Forum Activity by thanhgacomForum Activity by thanhgacom
thanhgacom has commented on the profile of thanhgacom: Thanhga cung cap kien thuc toan dien ve nuoi ga choi, tu viec chon giong den che do dinh duong va huan luyen. Trang web nay giup ban nam vung cac ky thuat nuoi ga, tu can ban den nang cao, dam bao hieu qua toi uu. Neu ban dam me nuoi ga & kinh doanh ve ga, day la nguon tai lieu quy gia de ban co the delved sau vao tung khia canh.Website: chi: 171 D. Vo Thi Sau, Phuong 6, Quan 3, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam#thanhga #thanhgacom #kienthucnuoiga #benhga #thanh_ga |