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quatlytamgteco has commented on the profile of quatlytamgteco:
GTECO da co hon 20 nam kinh nghiem trong linh vuc san xuat quat cong nghiep va quat ly tam. GTECO cam ket 100% san pham quat ly tam deu co chat luong cao, dam bao duoc thiet ke, san xuat tu nhung nguyen vat lieu, day chuyen san xuat cao cap, hien dai nen se dap ung yeu cau hoat dong ben bi, on dinh va hieu qua nhat du duoc lap dat trong nhieu moi truong khac nhau.#quatlytam #gteco #quatlytamcongnghiep #quatcongnghiep #quatgteco #quattoancauThong tin ve Quat Ly Tam GTECO:Website: https://gteco.vn/quat-ly-tam/Hotline: 0966 075 988Email: [email protected] chi: So 771 Quang Trung – Ha Dong – Ha NoiNha may san xuat va lap rap: KCN Phu Nghia – Chuong My – Ha Noi
8/8/23 at 7:48am