Profile Comments by quaghuyplazaProfile Comments by quaghuyplaza
quaghuyplaza has commented on the profile of quaghuyplaza: |
quaghuyplaza has commented on the profile of quaghuyplaza: Cong ty TNHH thiet bi bep Viet Quang Huy la don vi tien phong trong san xuat thi cong nhap khau phan phoi san pham thiet bi bep tu com noi pho bep au bep a lo nuong tu kem tu mat… uy tin chuyen nghiep Trong hon 15 nam hinh thanh va phat trien Quang Huy da tung buoc cai tien – hoan thien – phat trien nang luc mo rong quy mo va co he thong tong kho tren toan quoc Quang Huy Plaza la don vi chuyen thiet ke thi cong bep nha hang san xuat thiet bi nhap khau va phan phoi voi he thong kho hang tren toan quoc voi gia tot nhatDia chi So 368 P Tran Dien Dinh Cong Hoang Mai Ha Noi So dien thoai 0966623666Website: |