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Profile Comments by phamlanvshiaProfile Comments by phamlanvshia
phamlanvshia has commented on the profile of phamlanvshia:
9/13/24 at 1:55am
phamlanvshia has commented on the profile of phamlanvshia:
Cty Viet So Hoa la mot trong nhung Dia chi chuyen cung cap cac thiet bi va giai phap toan dien trong linh vuc thiet bi van phong. Chung toi luon no luc de mang lai su hai long cho quy khach hang khi su dung san pham dich vu cua chung toi.Linh vuc hoat dong cua Cong ty TNHH cong nghe Viet So Hoachuyen Ban va cho thue may photocopy tai Hai Phong. Hien tai, cong ty dang cung cap dich vu cho hau het cac nha thau dang xay dung tai nha may LG, khu cong nghiep Trang Due. Ngoai ra cong ty con cung cap dich vu cho cac nha thau xay dung tai khu cong nghiep Dinh Vu, VSIP Hai Phong…– Ban buon, ban le cac loai may photocopy cua cac hang noi tieng tren the gioi: may Photocopy Ricoh, may Photocopy Toshiba, may Photocopy Sindoh, may Photocopy Xerox…– Cho thue may photocopy, may in– Dich vu sua chua may photocopy, bao tri may photocopy– Dao tao ky thuat sua chua may photocopy, nhan vien photocopy.Thong tin lien he:Tru so chinh: 194 Trung Hanh, Phuong Dang Lam, Quan Hai An, Hai PhongHotline: 0981 669 996 – 0988 872 245 - 0903 276 602Email: [email protected]://tongkhomaytinh.comhttps://tongkhomayphotocopy.comhttps://khacdauhaiphong.comhttps://chothuemayphotocopyhaiphong.comhttps://thegioimayphotocopy.com/cho-thue-may-photocopy-tai-hai-phong-dich-vu-uy-tin/https://mayphotocopy.net/dich-vu-cho-thue-may-photocopy-hai-phong.htmlhttps://mayphotocopy.net/cho-thue-may-photocopy-tai-bac-ninh-may-moi-gia-re.htmlhttps://mayphotocopy.net/cho-thue-may-photocopy-chat-luong-tai-ha-long.htmlhttps://mayphotocopy.net/cho-thue-may-photocopy-tai-quang-ninh.htmlhttps://mayphotocopy.net/ban-may-phat-dien-tai-hai-phong-uy-tin-2024.htmlhttps://yensaohaiphong.vn/Website: https://mayphotocopy.net/cho-thue-may-photocopy-tai-quang-ninh.htmlPhone: 0981669996Address: 194 Trung Hanh, Dang Lam, Hai An
9/13/24 at 1:44am