All Discussion Activity by ongptAll Discussion Activity by ongpt
ongpt has commented on the profile of ongpt: OnGPT la nen tang tao AI chatbot hieu qua va sang tao, dap ung nhu cau cua nguoi dung ca nhan va doanh nghiep.Diem noi bat cua OnGPT la cho phep mo hinh duoc huan luyen tren luong du lieu tu internet hoac du lieu rieng biet do nguoi dung cung cap. Dieu nay giup AI chat co the hieu ro hon ve ngu canh cu the cua nganh nghe, san pham, hoac dich vu ma no dang ho tro, tu do dua ra cac phan hoi chinh xac va phu hop hon.Dien thoai: 0967.9155.69 Email: [email protected]: |