All Discussion Activity by nhathongminhlumiAll Discussion Activity by nhathongminhlumi
nhathongminhlumi has commented on the profile of nhathongminhlumi: Voi nhieu nam kinh nghiem trong linh vuc smarthome, Lumi da tro thanh doi tac tin cay cua nhieu gia dinh va doanh nghiep tai Viet Nam. Chung toi cung cap cac giai phap thong minh tu thiet ke, lap dat den bao tri, dam bao su tien nghi va an toan cho ngoi nha cua ban. San pham cua Lumi duoc danh gia cao ve chat luong va do ben, giup ban an tam su dung trong thoi gian dai. De biet them chi tiet, hay truy cap Lumi.#lumi #nhathongminhlumi #smarthomelumi #nhahiendailumiThong tin lien he:Website: [email protected]: 0904 665 965Dia chi: So 38, Do Duc Duc, phuong Me Tri, quan Nam Tu Liem, thanh pho Ha Noià -thông-minh-lumià Thông Minh LUMI |