Forum Activity by nguyenkienphat2Forum Activity by nguyenkienphat2
nguyenkienphat2 has commented on the profile of nguyenkienphat2: v?n t?i Nguy?n Ki?n Ph?t t? h?o l? m?t trong nh?ng c?ng ty h?ng ??u t?i Vi?t Nam chuy?n cung c?p c?c d?ch v? v?n t?i B?c Nam v? nhi?u gi?i ph?p v?n chuy?n uy t?n kh?c. V?i h?n 15 n?m kinh nghi?m trong ng?nh, ch?ng t?i ?? x?y d?ng ???c l?ng tin c?a h?ng ngh?n kh?ch h?ng nh? ??i ng? nh?n vi?n chuy?n nghi?p, t?n t?m v? s?n s?ng h? tr? m?i l?c.Ch?ng t?i cung c?p d?ch v? v?n chuy?n h?ng h?a B?c Nam, cho thu? xe t?i, chuy?n nh? tr?n g?i, chuy?n kho x??ng v? ch?nh xe v?i m?c gi? c?nh tranh v? th?i gian giao nh?n ch?nh x?c. ??c bi?t, d?ch v? cho thu? xe c?u c?a Nguy?n Ki?n Ph?t lu?n ??m b?o ??p ?ng t?t nh?t nhu c?u v?n chuy?n h?ng h?a c?ng k?nh, n?ng ho?c c?n x? l? ??c bi?t.Ngo?i ra, ch?ng t?i c?n cung c?p d?ch v? chuy?n v?n ph?ng tr?n g?i, gi?p kh?ch h?ng di d?i n?i l?m vi?c m?t c?ch nhanh ch?ng v? chuy?n nghi?p. T?t c? ??u ???c th?c hi?n v?i s? chu ??o v? c?n th?n nh?m t?i ?u h?a s? h?i l?ng c?a kh?ch h?ng.v?n t?i Nguy?n Ki?n Ph?t cam k?t mang ??n tr?i nghi?m d?ch v? v?n t?i v??t tr?i, an to?n v? hi?u qu?. Ch?ng t?i kh?ng ch? l? nh? cung c?p d?ch v? m? c?n l? ??i t?c ??ng tin c?y trong m?i nhu c?u v?n t?i v? h?u c?n c?a b?n.Website: 0707313999Address: 113 ???ng N4 Khu ph? th?ng nh?t 1 ph??ng d? an th?nh ph? d? an t?nh b?nh d??ng |
nguyenkienphat2 has commented on the profile of nguyenkienphat2: van tai Nguyen Kien Phat tu hao la mot trong nhung cong ty hang dau tai Viet Nam chuyen cung cap cac dich vu van tai Bac Nam va nhieu giai phap van chuyen uy tin khac. Voi hon 15 nam kinh nghiem trong nganh, chung toi da xay dung duoc long tin cua hang nghin khach hang nho doi ngu nhan vien chuyen nghiep, tan tam va san sang ho tro moi luc.Chung toi cung cap dich vu van chuyen hang hoa Bac Nam, cho thue xe tai, chuyen nha tron goi, chuyen kho xuong va chanh xe voi muc gia canh tranh va thoi gian giao nhan chinh xac. Dac biet, dich vu cho thue xe cau cua Nguyen Kien Phat luon dam bao dap ung tot nhat nhu cau van chuyen hang hoa cong kenh, nang hoac can xu ly dac biet.Ngoai ra, chung toi con cung cap dich vu chuyen van phong tron goi, giup khach hang di doi noi lam viec mot cach nhanh chong va chuyen nghiep. Tat ca deu duoc thuc hien voi su chu dao va can than nham toi uu hoa su hai long cua khach hang.van tai Nguyen Kien Phat cam ket mang den trai nghiem dich vu van tai vuot troi, an toan va hieu qua. Chung toi khong chi la nha cung cap dich vu ma con la doi tac dang tin cay trong moi nhu cau van tai va hau can cua ban.Website: 0707313999Address: 113 duong N4 Khu pho thong nhat 1 phuong di an thanh pho di an tinh binh duong |