| HI GUYS! I'm sorry i've been gone for like, ever xD i got out of the habit of getting on this site, but it's good to be back, tomorrow i'll be updating my profile, and respond to some comments on my profile, i really appreciate everyones nice, sweet comments :> thanks guys! probably everyones forgotten about me by now ._. xD
its funny though to go through all my posts and things, because it was written like, 2 years ago, and my spelling and vocabulary has improved a lot from the last time i was active on this site 
anyway, feel free to PM me, i'd love to start talking with people again! i'll akso be posting some new wall papers soon! |
| well let me see its . . . 9:35. like my preveous journal posts i have put this into 2 parts...
entry #1 i love books so much, i have so many and there all anime. right now i am on book #3 of pokemon DP adventure its a great story. i was at the mall last week and i was in the book-store and ( of course ) i was looking at the anime books,( i took a peek at furits basket hehe,love that book ) and then something caught my eye, it was... the legend of zelda ocarina of time WOO-HOO, i could not belive it, i mean its my too most favorite things put together, a anime book only the story was ocarina of time. i almost passed out that was a fun day...
entry #2 on to my second topic HEHEHE. my one of my very best friends was over heare the other day, and we were talking about video games ( duh! ) and we whaere talking about our favorite bad guys of coures at the top of are list is ( of coures ) ganondorf, ( sorry bowser ). she thinks he is HOT ( i think shes INSANE wa-hahahah ).
* from the desk of misty-marie* |
| ummmmm... what should i talk about. . . . . 'o' i know... i have cut this jurnal entry in to 2 parts ok where should i begin...
entry #1 ya see i know this girl we 'where' friends. well when we where about 8 we met but i am 13 and she is 15 ( i think ) and now she wont talk to me. of coures she is ( and always will be ) a BIG SNOB shes that rich uppity type, of coures i dont mind rich people i just hate it when they start to rub it in your face and think there better then you, 'o' well i guess i'll never understand her, i dont relly care though, HA!
entry #2 i have a idea for a new tv show...but i dont know what to do, or where to turn... i mean its not like you can just pick up the phone and call a place and tell them you have a idea for a new tv show, to bad it's not that simple, 'o'well i will keep trying. 
untill next time this is misty marie *WOO-HOO* |
| you see i have a idea for a new tv show and i know it wold be a big hit but i dont know what to do i will keep trying though. |
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