Favorite wallpapers of lokiwolfFavorite wallpapers of lokiwolf
Woodland ElfUploaded by: fireangls4
Date Uploaded: 5/13/09
Resolution: 1024x769
Date Uploaded: 5/13/09
Resolution: 1024x769
Downloads: 33,034
Comments: 71
Favorited: 409
Points: +951
Comments: 71
Favorited: 409
Points: +951
angel and dragonUploaded by: sewenka
Date Uploaded: 3/26/09
Resolution: 1280x960
Date Uploaded: 3/26/09
Resolution: 1280x960
Downloads: 39,966
Comments: 43
Favorited: 442
Points: +974
Comments: 43
Favorited: 442
Points: +974
Fantasy FairyUploaded by: blackmoon75
Date Uploaded: 10/22/08
Resolution: 1024x768
Date Uploaded: 10/22/08
Resolution: 1024x768
Downloads: 59,191
Comments: 38
Favorited: 447
Points: +1326
Comments: 38
Favorited: 447
Points: +1326