Profile Comments by leminhkhangProfile Comments by leminhkhang
leminhkhang has commented on the profile of leminhkhang: Le Minh Khang duoc biet den la mot nguoi sang tao va tien phong trong linh vuc tuyen dung, viec lam thu ky tro ly. Anh da kham pha tiem nang cua viec su dung thu ky tro ly de ho tro doanh nghiep va xay dung mot nen tang dang tin cay, ket noi giua nhung thu ky tro ly tai nang va nhung doanh nghiep dang tim kiem dich vu chat luong cao. #leminhkhang #ceoleminhkhang #thukytroly247net #ceothukytroly247 #adminthukytroly247 #authorthukytroly247Thong tin chi tiet: Email: [email protected] Dia chi: 45 D. Dong Khoi, Ben Nghe, Quan 1, Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam |