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If you go to another country and turn on the radio, you’ll stumble on an English song pretty quickly. Switching positions, your chances of finding foreign-language songs on an American radio station is pretty close to zero, with the notable exception of “Despacito.†The lack of non-English music has been pretty constant in the United States.
The situation just might be changing, however. Take Spanish, for example. With 41 million people in the United States speaking Spanish as a native language, it’s reasonable to expect Spanish to have an impact on the music market. At the least, Latin music impact is growing in this country. Popular hip-hop might still be sung most often in English, yet traces of reggaeton, a genre of music originating in Puerto Rico in the 1990s, can often be heard as well.
We wanted to learn more about the history of non-English music in the United States, so we decided to take a look at the songs that made it to the top of the Billboard Hot 100. Since mid-1958, Billboard has been the foremost resource for tracking singles in the United States. This gives us over 60 years to work with, and over 1,000 number-one hits. Despite that, only eight foreign-language songs managed to make it to the top of the list. Here, we look at each of them. Scroll to the bottom to listen to our playlist of all the songs, and read on to find out the stories behind them.
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