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Forum Activity by kopernikForum Activity by kopernik
kopernik commented on the Models Female wallpaper Sexy Mai Phuong Thuy Ao Dai.
Hi DalissaVery nice pictures, lovely model xx , only if you could upload bigger resolutions, and your pictures would be full , not trimmed in a half of the face, or the bodythanks, have lovely New Year 2018
12/29/17 at 9:26pm
kopernik commented on the Models Female wallpaper Splendid asian girl by DALISSA STUDIO.
This art is very beautiful, it is so perfect for a wallpaper .... and of course the girl is the lovely dream :-) ..... thx a lot xx
1/13/17 at 11:31pm
kopernik has become a fan of grandma_gingerbread.
1/13/17 at 11:27pm
kopernik commented on the Fantasy wallpaper ashes to ashes.
nice ..... +1
1/14/14 at 5:46pm
kopernik has commented on the profile of Triangiel:
Witam, dziekuje bardzo za jak zawsze mile komenty i rowniez zycze wszystkiego najlepszego na Swieta i Nowy Rok 2014pozdrawiam, Zibi :-)
12/21/13 at 10:38am
kopernik commented on the Halo wallpaper Halo.
Very nice compilation .... thanks +1
11/18/13 at 5:40pm
kopernik has commented on the profile of Triangiel:
Witam, witam ..... dzieki za pozdrowienia, i tez zycze milego weekendu :-) Zibi xx
11/15/13 at 6:06am
kopernik favorited wallpaper #1567450
Title: Wind in her dress
Category: > Models Female
Description: None
11/15/13 at 3:38am
kopernik has commented on the profile of ewa21021:
Dziekuje bardzo Ewuniu, mi tez jest milo poznawac Ciebie fajnie by kiedys wybrac sie na kawke i slodkie ciasto :-) ale pewnie jest troche daleko .... buziaki na weekend .... Twoj Zibi
11/15/13 at 2:45am
kopernik commented on the Audi wallpaper cars and secrets.
:-) ..... +1
10/30/13 at 8:47pm
kopernik commented on the Other wallpaper nice.
beautiful ......
10/30/13 at 7:29pm
kopernik commented on the Fantasy wallpaper griffin.
+1 ..... nice idea, they should clone something lovely like that
10/30/13 at 7:02pm
kopernik favorited wallpaper #1497446
Title: griffin
Category: > Fantasy
Description: None
10/30/13 at 7:00pm
kopernik has commented on the profile of ewa21021:
Witaj Ewo ....Dzieki ze moge byc Twoim przyjacielem, milo mi ze sie tu znalezlismy.Ja wpisalem sie wczoraj i jestem nowy w tym miejscu, dopiero rozgladam sie po okolicy :-) lolLubie fotografie od zawsze jeszcze na filmach w rolkach i w ciemni powiekszalnik grzal sie calymi nocami,zajmuje sie grafika komputerowa, web designing, software design, database, no i ostatnio bardzo wgryzam sie w system Linux w jego najbardziej skomplikowanej odmianie Arch Linux .... Zycze Ci milego tygodniaZibi xx
10/28/13 at 5:43pm
kopernik commented on the Dogs wallpaper *** Dog - german shephered ***.
Aparat Zenit .... oh cudne lata PRL-u .... mialem taki i cieszylem sie z tego aparatu jak z najlepszego komputera w obecnych czasach :-)pozdrawiam Ewo, +1 .... Zibi xx
10/28/13 at 5:28pm
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