Forum Activity by khaiphuceoForum Activity by khaiphuceo
khaiphuceo has commented on the profile of khaiphuceo: [URL=]Khai Phu[/URL] la CEO xuat sac cua KubetHub nguoi da dan dat nha cai nay tro thanh mot trong nhung thuong hieu uy tin nhat trong nganh ca cuoc truc tuyen Voi su nhay ben trong kinh doanh va kha nang quan ly tai tinh Khai Phu da dua KubetHub phat trien vuot bac Ong luon tap trung vao cai thien chat luong san pham va dich vu dam bao moi giao dich deu minh bach va cong bang Thong tin lien heHo ten Khai PhuNgay sinh 11 09 1975So dien thoai 0328016268Dia chi 68 Hoang The Thien Thu Thiem Quan 2 Tp Ho Chi MinhEmail kubethub net@gmail comLink content: #khaiphu_ceo #khaiphu_tai_ba #lanh_dao_khaiphu |