All Discussion Activity by kaitoensoAll Discussion Activity by kaitoenso
kaitoenso has commented on the profile of kaitoenso: |
kaitoenso has commented on the profile of kaitoenso: Kaito Enso l? nh? m?y c? kh? chuy?n s?n xu?t ?ng gi?, c?a gi?, van gi?, thang m?ng c?p & ph? ki?n h?ng ??u trong ng?nh c? ?i?n (M&E). T?t c? c?c s?n ph?m ???c s?n xu?t tr?n d?y chuy?n hi?n ??i v? h? th?ng qu?n l? ch?t l??ng ??t ti?u chu?n ISO 9001:2015.Th?ng tin li?n h?:Website: [URL=][/URL]Phone: 0975.529.005Address: T?ng 3, T?a nh? Dolphin Plaza, s? 28 Tr?n B?nh, Ph??ng M? ??nh 2, Qu?n Nam T? Li?m, Th?nh ph? H? N?iC?c trang MXH:[URL=][/URL][URL=][/URL][URL=][/URL][URL=][/URL] |