Profile Comments by inoxttlProfile Comments by inoxttl
inoxttl has commented on the profile of inoxttl: INOX TTL tu hao la mot trong nhung don vi tien phong trong linh vuc gia cong inox tai TPHCM. San pham cua chung toi da dang, bao gom cac cong trinh ngoai that nhu cua cong, lan can, cau thang inox va cac san pham noi that cao cap nhu ban ghe, tu ke inox. Dac biet, chung toi con cung cap giai phap lam mat voi cac san pham mang xoi inox, qua cau hut nhiet va nhieu san pham khac, dam bao do ben vung va an toan tuyet doi trong qua trinh su dung.#INOXTTL #GiaCongInox #MangTaoThacNuocInox #CotCoInox #MangXoiInoxThong tin lien he:Website: [email protected]: 0903.8484.79Dia chi: 936A Tinh lo 10, Khu pho 7, Phuong Tan Tao, Quan Binh Tan, TP Ho Chi Minh |