| Are you looking for the best web hosting service for your new web project? In recent years, millions of businesses have taken to the internet to reach more customers. As such, many web-hosting services have sprung up to cater to the need of launching websites. However, how do you know the best web hosts that will not keep your site down?
I recently came across this article by IMarena.net that outlines the best web-hosting providers available and how to know good hosting companies. In the review by renowned digital marketing consultant, Dede Dan, you will learn the following: ◠What is web hosting? ◠Types of web hosting ◠Features to look for in a web hosting service. ◠The 10 Best web hosting companies. Meanwhile, let me explain a bit more in detail about the article. It’s typical with Dede Dan’s other articles in his Business Growth Blog at Imarena.net What is Web Hosting? Web hosting allows you to publish your website and web applications on the internet. When you get a web hosting service, you rent space on a physical server to store all files and data necessary for your website to function properly.
It goes on to state the Types of web hosting as follows. 1. Shared Hosting. Shared hosting allows multiple users to share a single server. This means that a single computer (a shared host server) can host many (or even hundreds) websites. 2. Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting: In a Virtual Private Server, a single physical server can contain multiple partitioned sections. Each container acts as a complete system dedicated to your site. You get dedicated resources and, in certain cases, access that server’s configuration. 3. Dedicated Hosting: A dedicated server will give you exclusive access to one server or more. This means that you will have complete control over the configuration of your server, while the web hosting provider just houses it. 4. Managed Hosting: This is not a plan but a service. It allows your provider to take care of the maintenance tasks such as backups and updates. 5. WordPress Hosting. This is specifically tailored for WordPress websites and usually includes some level of managed service. 6. Cloud Hosting. This works by having a virtual server hosted on many computers, instead of being stored on one machine.
Features to look for in a Web Hosting Service This section is the real deal, which you don’t want to miss. It outlines all the features you should look out for in a web host.
The best web hosting companies The list of best west hosting companies is very informative. I was amazed my current web host wasn’t listed. Now I know why, thanks to the outline. The article is very educating and informative. You do not want to miss it. If you want to learn more about the best web hosting services and features of a good web host, then see the link to the full article by Dede Dan at Imarena.net in the description of this video below.
https://imarena.net/best-web-hosting-review-free-cheap-premium/ |
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