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Journal for ikkikunJournal for ikkikun
Oh gosh what another day so far things have been tiring and depressing even though im still hangen in their. Just enjoying the little moments of happeness i get but yep make the best out of the little things. I tried to apologize and fix a friend ship of my x-girl friend its not that easy she's still mad even though i would think that over 3 weeks she'd get over it but you know. It was a stupid reason to break up with her but something told me to and when i did i felt bad, free, and what now? The first reason why it happend is cause i thought it was pointless henss my age and were im at in life, of wich i can not reavle to people on the internet sadly the world just cant be trusted so yeah. Now she wont talk with me like a mature lady and settle this sepuration (damn why'd this have to be such a drag!). And to day my sibling has bothered me with her on going bad additude but what can you do. Siblings will be sibbling i sopoes. So now we come to my sigestion of the day, to some of you who might be at the age of 16-18 you might be in a realation or trying or just don't care but i will tell now that most people should wait tell they get a job settle down get done with school. I know i might sound like a parent but hey the truth hurts. I noticed that when ever i was dating a girl she'd always be on my mind even if i got bussy that person would still be their in the back of my head. Thats what causes destration or fustration to the rest of the day now this might be diffrent with other people but for some of you out their at the age of 12-14 think is this realy nessary. Is this romantic way important is what im doing safe does it affect the other people around am i going to far, is this real or just fake pointless feeling not worth it. That has always helped and for some reason when the realation is over i feel like their no more stress.

Thanks for reading my thoughts and suggestions

Ikkikun (smiles)
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