Comments Posted by iamlonewolf2 | iamlonewolf2 commented on the Models Female wallpaper Beautiful Redhead.
As beautiful as she is fun-loving, Gloria! Of course, I've come to expect that level of beauty from your artwork..And I'm so happy to say that you haven't disappointed! Beautiful redhead my sweet friend! |
 | iamlonewolf2 commented on the Models Female wallpaper Redhead On Black.
She's stunning my sweet friend! I just adore what you are able to do in Photoshop! Magnificent blue eyes & the reddest of lips! Love the earrings too! You bring out her natural beauty! Lovely woman & great arwork Gloria! Hugs & Smiles! Mark |
 | iamlonewolf2 commented on the Models Female wallpaper Gothic Redhead.
I always love your artwork, Gloria! Your choices of redheads are always so very beautiful & well-enhanced! You just make the most gorgeous images..But redheads are definitely my favorites! Hugs & Smiles! Mark |
 | iamlonewolf2 commented on the Models Female wallpaper Lots of Red Hair.
Fantastic beauty! What gorgeous red hair! I'm always amazed at what you're able to do with the images you find! Of course, the natural beauty just comes out when you enhance the imagery! You are quite the artist! I love what you do with the images you create! She's a beauty, to be sure..a real keeper! Just gorgeous, Gloria! Hugs & Smiles! Mark |
 | iamlonewolf2 commented on the Models Female wallpaper Hot Coffee!.
Thankyou sooooo much Gloria! She's absolutely stunning & so "HOTTT!!!" How awesome! I'm soooo impressed & she's absolutely gorgeous!!! Coffee, tea, or me comes to mind! I love the combination of waking up to a hot redhead in the morning with a wonderfully hot beverage, my favorites..redheads & coffee!!! An unbeatable pair! Love that hair!!! Is it ALL redheads that are hot? Or is it just the ones you find?!!! Either way, she's stunning!!! Thankyou my sweet friend!!! Hugs & Smiles! Mark |
 | iamlonewolf2 commented on the Models Female wallpaper RED.
So beautiful, Gloria! Imagine that!...And a redhead too! LOL! Just what is it about redheads that makes them so hot?! Hugs & a smile! Mark |
 | iamlonewolf2 commented on the Actresses wallpaper Marilyn Monroe.
Now, where would beauty and class be, without the beauty of Marilyn Monroe having laid the framework and standards by which all others are measured?! A truly beautiful woman, and your works regarding her are so very classy and beautiful! You've captured her joy and spirit at every turn! Love the red against black on this, and your choice of block lettering in bas relief form..nice touch Gloria! Hugs, Mark |
 | iamlonewolf2 commented on the Models Female wallpaper Beautiful Redhead.
Yes, it is indeed beautiful, as is she, Gloria! You did a fantastic bit of artwork on this! Love the bright colors, the lips, the color of her lips, her very beautiful..and of course that lovely touch with the earring! Love the purple feather background on this..a lovely touch! A beautiful woman and lovely work! Hugs! Mark |
 | iamlonewolf2 commented on the Models Female wallpaper Beautiful Redhead In Black.
FINALLY!!!...A Redhead (almost) as beautiful as you are! Such a sassy tease you've made here! Imagine that...A Redhead with ATTITUDE!!! LOL! Seriously though Gloria, You've made a lovely creation with this one!..And she IS beautiful! Love the "fade to black" surrounding her! My goodness girl, you do know how to pick them! I really love this one! I'm sure the do-gooders on this site will find something wrong or too sensual with it, more's the shame. I wish they hadn't changed. Nice & sexy sweetie! Your creations are spectacular, as ever! Hugs & Smiles, Mark |
 | iamlonewolf2 commented on the Fantasy wallpaper Little Beauty.
Wow! What a lovely creation! I couldn't help but notice it, and... congratulations on making the 1st page! Hugs & Smiles, Lonewolf... |
 | iamlonewolf2 commented on the Music wallpaper Hard Rock for Andy.
What a lucky young man, to have a mom like you! Oh yeah! My kind of artwork! Fantastic creativity Gloria! Your mind is scary sometimes! LOL! Very Cool! Love it! |
 | iamlonewolf2 commented on the Funny wallpaper Desktop Nexus Star Wars Style.
Oh yeah! Star Wars of all era's! Love this stuff! Big Sci-Fi fan! Love the themes and fantasm of it all! Very Cool Gloria! Forget the force..My vote goes for the Wooky! LOL! Hugs & Smiles! Lonewolf... |
 | iamlonewolf2 commented on the Mind Teasers wallpaper Mind Teaser.
Love the creativity you've used, and the design is fantastic! Reminds me of the younger years..(won't tell you how long ago that was!..LOL!) Very cool Gloria! I'm fond of the designs and symmetry aspects, and of course the metallics of every sort! Very 3D! Love it! Lonewolf |
 | iamlonewolf2 commented on the 3D and CG wallpaper Abstract Butterflies.
Absolutely fantastic Gloria! I just love these types of creations! I find them mesmerizing! I can't imagine how you come up with such beautiful works of art, but please!...Keep it up! Love the color, the symmetry, the flow! I could put images like this on my desktop and make them a screen saver, then watch them for hours as I listen to mood music! Love your artwork Gloria! Hugs & Smiles! Lonewolf |
 | iamlonewolf2 commented on the 3D and CG wallpaper Abstract Creation.
Oooooo, so very pretty! Why is it the ones that I like I never quite as popular? Guess it just goes to show we all have different tastes! I love your creativity my sweet friend, and your beautiful creations! Truly lovely abstract work! If only I had half your talent! Hugs & Smiles! Lonewolf... |
Show More >>Show More >> | Comments Received from Other MembersPaulncko commented on the Other wallpaper Broken & Forgiven!.
Please, it is Very Important that you Completely DISREGARD the second half of this Wallpaper Description: "Many do not believe, and that's OK?!! Please, everyone reading this post, refer to The Gospel Of John, Chapter 14, Verse 6: I(Jesus Christ) is The (ONLY) Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Enters The Father's Kingdom, Except Through Jesus Christ, The Son Of The Living God!! No one lives forever in this world, and unless you want to suffer the "Eternal" damnation of Hell (Not an answer of Hope), Turn To Jesus Christ Now! Many Do Not Believe!? NOW IS THE DAY OF SALVATION, Turn To Jesus Christ Now, No One Is Guaranteed Another Day! I Pray That The Truth Of Jesus Christ be revealed to All Those who read this post. May Jesus Christ Be With You, and Richly Bless You. |  |
DeerHunter48 commented on the Actresses wallpaper Lisa Lambe, Celtic Woman.
This is what I am talking about, I know Lisa Lambe has got a great voice but with her beautiful face and her long flowing red hair she really turns me on and would like to have her for my girl friend or wife. |  |
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