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Full Name:Ho Dang Thang
Last Login:8/21/24
Join Date:8/21/24
Profile Views:22
Personal Information
About Me:Anh Ho Dang Thang la giam doc Cong ty TNHH Xay dung & Thuong mai Do Building - Timi Office. Voi hon 5 nam kinh nghiem trong linh vuc thiet ke va thi cong noi that van phong. Anh la cuu sinh vien truong Bachelor of Business Administration voi chung nhan cua dai hoc Penn state Hoa Ky (PSU).
Thong tin lien he:
Dia chi: 56 Yen The, Phuong 2, Quan Tan Binh, TP HCM, Vietnam
Phone: 094 453 68 86
Website: https://timioffice.vn/ho-dang-thang/
Tham khao them:
thi cong van phong: https://timioffice.vn/thi-cong-noi-that-van-phong/
thiet ke noi that van phong: https://timioffice.vn/thiet-ke-noi-that-van-phong/
thiet ke van phong khong gian mo: https://timioffice.vn/thiet-ke-van-phong-khong-gian-mo/
cong ty thiet ke van phong tphcm: https://timioffice.vn/cong-ty-thiet-ke-noi-that-van-phong/
thiet ke phong lam viec: https://timioffice.vn/thiet-ke-phong-lam-viec/
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hodangthangPosted by hodangthang   8/21/24 at 4:08pm
Anh Ho Dang Thang la giam doc Cong ty TNHH Xay dung & Thuong mai Do Building - Timi Office. Voi hon 5 nam kinh nghiem trong linh vuc thiet ke va thi cong noi that van phong. Anh la cuu sinh vien truong Bachelor of Business Administration voi chung nhan cua dai hoc Penn state Hoa Ky (PSU).
Thong tin lien he:
Dia chi: 56 Yen The, Phuong 2, Quan Tan Binh, TP HCM, Vietnam
Phone: 094 453 68 86
Website: https://timioffice.vn/ho-dang-thang/
Tham khao them:
thi cong van phong: https://timioffice.vn/thi-cong-noi-that-van-phong/
thiet ke noi that van phong: https://timioffice.vn/thiet-ke-noi-that-van-phong/
thiet ke van phong khong gian mo: https://timioffice.vn/thiet-ke-van-phong-khong-gian-mo/
cong ty thiet ke van phong tphcm: https://timioffice.vn/cong-ty-thiet-ke-noi-that-van-phong/
thiet ke phong lam viec: https://timioffice.vn/thiet-ke-phong-lam-viec/

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Anh Ho Dang Thang la giam doc Cong ty TNHH Xay dung & Thuong mai Do Building - Timi Office. Voi hon 5 nam kinh nghiem trong linh vuc thiet ke va thi cong noi that van phong. Anh la cuu sinh vien truong Bachelor of Business Administration voi chung nhan cua dai hoc Penn state Hoa Ky (PSU).Thong tin lien he:Dia chi: 56 Yen The, Phuong 2, Quan Tan Binh, TP HCM, VietnamPhone: 094 453 68 86Website: https://timioffice.vn/ho-dang-thang/Tham khao them:thi cong van phong: https://timioffice.vn/thi-cong-noi-that-van-phong/ thiet ke noi that van phong: https://timioffice.vn/thiet-ke-noi-that-van-phong/ thiet ke van phong khong gian mo: https://timioffice.vn/thiet-ke-van-phong-khong-gian-mo/ cong ty thiet ke van phong tphcm: https://timioffice.vn/cong-ty-thiet-ke-noi-that-van-phong/ thiet ke phong lam viec: https://timioffice.vn/thiet-ke-phong-lam-viec/ https://www.facebook.com/littleboyid https://maps.app.goo.gl/j6ht7ta8gTv1UDau8 https://www.linkedin.com/in/thắng-hồ-384108259/ https://twitter.com/hodangthangtimi https://www.pinterest.com/hodangthangtimioffice/ https://vimeo.com/hodangthangtimi https://gravatar.com/hodangthangtimi https://issuu.com/hodangthangtimi https://www.twitch.tv/hodangthangtimi https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/hodangthangtimi/ https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/hodangthang/vizzes https://heylink.me/hodangthang/ https://www.instapaper.com/p/hodangthang https://beacons.ai/hodangthang https://my.archdaily.com/us/@ho-dang-thang
8/21/24 at 4:08pm
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