All Discussion Activity by gameorbvnAll Discussion Activity by gameorbvn
gameorbvn has commented on the profile of gameorbvn: l? c?ng th?ng tin chuy?n bi?t v? game online v? Esports, tr?c thu?c C?ng ty TNHH Gi?i ph?p C?ng ngh? v? Truy?n th?ng KingNCT. Ch?ng t?i t? h?o l? ngu?n cung c?p tin t?c c?p nh?t, b?i vi?t ph?n t?ch chuy?n s?u, c?ng th?ng tin s? ki?n v? ng?nh c?ng nghi?p game v? Esports. Ngo?i vai tr? l? ??n v? c?ng th?ng tin truy?n th?ng, ch?ng t?i c?n t? ch?c c?c gi?i ??u esports, th?c ??y s? ph?t tri?n c?a c?ng ??ng game th? t?i Vi?t mong mu?n tr? th?nh n?n t?ng h?ng ??u trong l?nh v?c th?ng tin game v? Esports t?i Vi?t Nam, v??n ra khu v?c, ??ng g?p v?o s? ph?t tri?n b?n v?ng v? chuy?n nghi?p h?a ng?nh c?ng nghi?p n?y. V?i m?c ti?u n?y, ch?ng t?i kh?ng ng?ng ??i m?i, n?ng cao ch?t l??ng n?i dung v? m? r?ng ph?m vi ho?t ??ng, nh?m mang ??n cho c?ng ??ng game th? nh?ng tr?i nghi?m t?t nh?t.Website:, ??a ch?: 78 ???ng 10, Khu ?? Th? V?n Ph?c, Hi?p B?nh Ph??c, Th? ??c, TPHCM, Hotline: 0398425098. Hastag: #gameorb #esport #gamemobile #gameonline #tingame #kenhgame #gamingWebsite: 0398425098Address: 78 ???ng 10, Khu ?? Th? V?n Ph?c, Hi?p B?nh Ph??c, Th? ??c, TPHCM;area=forumprofile;u=1247412 |
gameorbvn has commented on the profile of gameorbvn: la cong thong tin chuyen biet ve game online va Esports, truc thuoc Cong ty TNHH Giai phap Cong nghe va Truyen thong KingNCT. Chung toi tu hao la nguon cung cap tin tuc cap nhat, bai viet phan tich chuyen sau, cung thong tin su kien ve nganh cong nghiep game va Esports. Ngoai vai tro la don vi cong thong tin truyen thong, chung toi con to chuc cac giai dau esports, thuc day su phat trien cua cong dong game thu tai Viet mong muon tro thanh nen tang hang dau trong linh vuc thong tin game va Esports tai Viet Nam, vuon ra khu vuc, dong gop vao su phat trien ben vung va chuyen nghiep hoa nganh cong nghiep nay. Voi muc tieu nay, chung toi khong ngung doi moi, nang cao chat luong noi dung va mo rong pham vi hoat dong, nham mang den cho cong dong game thu nhung trai nghiem tot nhat.Website:, Dia chi: 78 Duong 10, Khu Do Thi Van Phuc, Hiep Binh Phuoc, Thu Duc, TPHCM, Hotline: 0398425098. Hastag: #gameorb #esport #gamemobile #gameonline #tingame #kenhgame #gamingWebsite: 0398425098Address: 78 Duong 10, Khu Do Thi Van Phuc, Hiep Binh Phuoc, Thu Duc, TPHCM |