Full Name: | Nakia Honson | Location: | somewhere | Occupation: | high schooler | Birthday: | February 23rd, 1993 | Education: | senior | | Last Login: | 1/18/12 | Join Date: | 1/17/10 | Profile Views: | 4,830 |
About Me: | i love photography. i am obssessed with nature. i love being truly happy (havent gotten there but im still waiting) i am a new wiccan. and i am very interesting 18 year old (meaning im not like everyone else in america) | | Interests: | i want to become a writer, biking, hiking, reading, singing, photography, landscape art, thinking, living. | | Favorite Music: | rock,pop, indie rock, indie pop, indie music, hindi music, j-pop, j-metal, j-rock, | | Favorite Books: | percy jackson and the olympians, twilight, twilight (a way different book), half moons, that summer, black mirror, life as we knew it, the adnventures of sherlocke holmes, harry potter, backtracked, what my mother doesnt know, it, insomnia, desperation, tommyknockers, the Da vinci code, wicca for beginners, night world series, all of the goosebumps books, 1408, and tons more! | | Favorite Movies: | the blair witch project (even though witches are lots nicer than that), all of harry potter, percy jakson and the olympians, journey to the center of the earth, ninja assasin, sherlocke holmes, kung fu panda, monster house, zathura, wizards of waverky place the movie, blood, dark waters, the grudge, the third hellboy, and much much more! | | Favorite TV Shows: | tower prep, the walking dead, breaking bad, gold rush alaska, flying wild alaska, the mythbusters, family guy, american dad, baby blues, ben 10, KING OF THE HILL! most of the real housewives series (except miami and orange county) dof the bounty hunter, operation repo, cops, everybody hates chris, everyone loves raymond, and childrens hospital. | Favorite Quotes: | "i was unlike everyone else, i, took the road less traveled" "its quitin time!" "space; the final frontier", "are you gonna eat that?" "he's being an asshat!" |
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