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All Discussion Activity by duycokhi92All Discussion Activity by duycokhi92
duycokhi92 has commented on the profile of duycokhi92:
Duy Co Khi hien dang la tho may chuyen nghiep tai xuong Co Khi KCC. Voi su hieu biet cung kinh nghiem 10 nam lam nghe tho may, tren website chinh thuc cua Co Khi KCC (cokhikcc.vn) Duy mong muon chia se duoc nhung kien thuc huu ich lien quan den linh vuc co khi, dac biet la ve gia cong kim loai chinh xac (gia cong cnc) vi day la chuyen mon cua Duy, cung la cong viec ma Duy dang lam hang ngay.Website: https://cokhikcc.vn/author/duycokhi/Email: [email protected]: 0986754622Dia chi: Dai Mach, Dong Anh, Ha Noi #duycokhiCac trang mang xa hoi:https://www.facebook.com/duycokhi92https://x.com/duycokhi92https://www.reddit.com/user/duycokhi92/https://www.youtube.com/@duycokhi92https://www.twitch.tv/duycokhi92https://www.deviantart.com/duycokhi92https://www.pinterest.com/duycokhi92/https://www.behance.net/duyckhhttps://www.patreon.com/duycokhi92https://trello.com/u/duycokhi92/https://about.me/duycokhi92/https://linktr.ee/duycokhi92Cac trang blog khac:https://www.tumblr.com/duycokhi92https://duycokhi92.blogspot.com/https://duycokhi92.mystrikingly.com/https://www.gamerlaunch.com/community/users/blog/6503411/https://duycokhi1992.wixsite.com/duycokhi92https://duycokhi92.bravesites.com/https://duy-co-khi.webflow.io/https://gravatar.com/duycokhihttps://bit.ly/m/duycokhi92
6/10/24 at 2:55am