Forum Activity by diamond-city-long-anForum Activity by diamond-city-long-an
diamond-city-long-an has commented on the profile of diamond-city-long-an: diamond city long an la du an dat nen - nha pho - shophouse - biet thu toa tai mat tien vanh dai 4 (dt 830)- xa huu thanh, huyen duc hoa va xa luong binh, huyen ben luc, tinhlong an. The diamond city do thang loi land phat trien thuoc thanh vien tap doan bat dong san thang loi. khu do thi the diamond city quy mo 12,363 ha dap ung ra thi truong 589 san pham, trong do gom: 103 shophouse millenium, 72 nen shophouse milleniumplus, 194 nha pho venus, 200 nen nha pho venus plus, 20 biet thu doc quyen legacy. The diamond city thang loi da duoc hoan thien ha tang toan khu co muc gia ban ra thi truong du kien 1,5 ty/nen dat dien tich da dang tu 70m2 - 120m2.trang thong tin chinh thuc chu dau tu the diamond city long an - tap doan bat dong san thang loivanh dai 4 (dt 830)- xa huu thanh, huyen duc hoa va xa luong binh, huyen ben luc, tinh long |