All Discussion Activity by daysfloristAll Discussion Activity by daysflorist
daysflorist has commented on the profile of daysflorist: DaysFlorist l? th??ng hi?u chuy?n cung c?p hoa s?p, hoa handmade ??c ??o, ch?t l??ng cao. Ch?ng t?i kh?ng ch? mang ??n v? ??p b?n l?u cho t?ng s?n ph?m, m? c?n gi?p kh?ch h?ng truy?n t?i th?ng ?i?p y?u th??ng, s? tr?n tr?ng qua nh?ng m?n qu? tinh t?.V?i ti?u ch? ph?c v? t?n t?m v? s?ng t?o, DaysFlorist hi?n ?? c? m?t tr?n c?c n?n t?ng online nh? Shopee, TikTok, Facebook v? website ch?nh th?c, gi?p kh?ch h?ng d? d?ng l?a ch?n v? ??t h?ng d? ? b?t k? ??u.Website: 038 785 9873Address: Ph??ng Minh Khai, B?c T? Li?m, H? N?iáp-daysfloristáp-daysfloristáp-daysfloristápdaysflorist.usáp-daysfloristáp-daysfloristáp-daysfloristáp-daysflorist |
daysflorist has commented on the profile of daysflorist: DaysFlorist la thuong hieu chuyen cung cap hoa sap, hoa handmade doc dao, chat luong cao. Chung toi khong chi mang den ve dep ben lau cho tung san pham, ma con giup khach hang truyen tai thong diep yeu thuong, su tran trong qua nhung mon qua tinh te.Voi tieu chi phuc vu tan tam va sang tao, DaysFlorist hien da co mat tren cac nen tang online nhu Shopee, TikTok, Facebook va website chinh thuc, giup khach hang de dang lua chon va dat hang du o bat ky dau.Website: 038 785 9873Address: Phuong Minh Khai, Bac Tu Liem, Ha Noi |