All Discussion Activity by dayhoclaixeAll Discussion Activity by dayhoclaixe
dayhoclaixe has commented on the profile of dayhoclaixe: Dạy Há»c Lai Xe B1, B2 C, D E, F |Trung Tam Dao Tao va Sat Hanh Lai Xe tai Vinh Phuc, doi ngu can bo, giao vien luon tan tam, nhiet tinh, thoi gian hoc linh hoat. tai Xa Tam Hop, Huyen Binh Xuyen, Tinh Vinh Phuc.Trung tam dao tao lai xe o to Vinh Phuc duoc thanh lap tu rat lau, la trung tam dao tao lon va uy tin hang dau Viet Nam noi chung va o tinh Vinh Phuc noi rieng. Voi kinh nghiem hoat dong gan 30 nam, hang nam trung tam da dao tao ra truong hang nghin hoc vien voi cac hang xe ôt va mo to. Chung toi lien tuc mo lop thuong xuyen va to chuc deu dan cac ky thi sat hach hang thang.Website: chi: TDP Mau Lam, phuong Khai Quang, TP Vinh Yen, tinh Vinh PhúcHastag #Dạy_Há»c_Lái Xe_B1_B2_C_D_E_F #Sat_Hạnh_Lai_Xe_tại_ Vinh_PhucSDT: 02116 536 113 Hotline: 0966 147 586Email: [email protected]:,947943/ |