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Journal for dale15Journal for dale15
hey everybody l have writen 20 pages on my monsters human book lt is about a boy named zack he found out the girl he saved from a fire when he was younger was a vampire so he had to become her champion so he had to fight a monster and at the last minute his human freind hanah thew him a mace the ball with a chain and so zack won then he met a bat girl named cj what then he found out she was his middle school admirer then he got to the monster high school he met karen\'s father the principal then he saw all of the monsters he knew in school so they all had an argment and karen said you are no longer my champion and slaped zack so zack eventually when outside and he met mikey the ice girl she was going to cook but she is afraid of the fire so he is helping her cook and he told her what happend and she said the vampire and werewolf will get with others like them and try to fight him but he was like no way but the ice girl said stick with me and he promised her he would stick with her and they kissed oh l forgot his human freind hanah said she would figure out what was going on and as l continue she will later become a monster hunter but that is later on next time l get on l will tell you what l have written
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9/22/12 at 5:47amWwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooowwwwwwwww!!!! by Kokoyumi
That\'s awsome story!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! that would be awsome anime!!!! Man I wish I could watch that on TV!!!! You are awsome writer!!!!P.S. Welcome to DN!!!!! ...   Read More >>
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