Profile Comments by cherokeespiritProfile Comments by cherokeespirit
cherokeespirit has commented on the profile of bluE-WOLF: [I] Hello bluE-WOLF |
cherokeespirit has commented on the profile of cherokeespirit: [I] 1st of all i'd like 2 explain how i came bout my name- username _Cherokeespirit: I've been fixed on the Native Indians in how BEAUTIFUL they are. I LUV the Beautiful bead work that's done on clothing, footwear & Dream Catchers- Walking/Spirit Sticks, Medicine wheels - so on & so 4th. Few yrs. ago i taught myself how 2 make those items i mentioned. My home is all dcorated in Native Indian / Eagle & wolf statues, paintings, puzzles put 2gether then made into wall hanging. Yrs. ago my son saved a baby pups life. The runt as they said this pups was. Brought this tiny lil pup home & gave him 2 me. I not a clue or new nothing bout naming an animal / pet.. 4 some reason the word Cherokee kept running thru my head no matter of all pet/animal names ppl sujested 2 me.. Cherokee was the name i gave the tiny lil guy..{Cherokee aka Puppers} Hope 2 Update my Profile -have photo here profile pic. I & my LUVED & missed cherokee..{missed cuz he passed away yr. 2004 |