| Life is not easy, at times change is needed, there is someone wating in the side lines that has gone through the same. At times like this you think you are on your own but mister right is not far away, take good care see you soon
| Hello, glad to hear that all is well at your end, we are not to bad here, we have not to bad with the weather no brocken bones, as yet, take good care my dear sweet friend, all the very best to you and yours, see you soon   |
| You know that you love to be hit with the said rolling pin, Now I hear that Kathy has a little helper. So you will have to throw your hat in first, befor entering the house with no wheels |
| Hi Locki, you have a lot of pics, thay are very nice ones fav them all, if I could. take good care my friend, see you when you get back  |
| harts are always broken, but they soon mendLife is not easy, at times change is needed, there is someone wating in the side lines that has gone through the same. At times like this you think you are on your own but mister right is not far away, take good care see you soon...the things you get up toHello, glad to hear that all is well at your end, we are not to bad here, we have not to bad with the weather no brocken bones, as yet, take good care my dear sweet friend, all the very best to you and yours, see you soon...The Said Rolling PinYou know that you love to be hit with the said rolling pin, Now I hear that Kathy has a little helper.So you will have to throw your hat in first, befor entering the house with no wheels...lots of pics.Hi Locki, you have a lot of pics, thay are very nice ones fav them all, if I could. take good care my friend, see you when you get back... Recently Spotted MembersNo members found. Be the first. |