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Full Name:Chuyen gia Phong thuy Hung Nguyen
Location:89 To Huu, Nam Tu Liem, Ha Noi
Occupation:Thay phong thuy
Birthday:October 9th, 1990
Last Login:9/18/24
Join Date:9/18/24
Profile Views:3
Personal Information
About Me:Xin chao! Toi la Hung Nguyen, sinh nam 1990 tai Ha Noi trong mot gia dinh co truyen thong nghien cuu ve phong thuy, som duoc tiep xuc va yeu thich mon khoa hoc co xua nay. Voi niem dam me chay bong, toi da danh nhieu nam de nghien cuu sau ve cac nguyen ly va ung dung cua phong thuy trong cuoc song. Tot nghiep khoa Van hoa hoc cua truong Dai hoc Khoa hoc xa hoi va nhan van Ha Noi, tiep tuc theo hoc tai Vien Nghien Cuu Ung Dung Kien Truc Phong Thuy. Voi kinh nghiem nhieu nam tu van phong thuy cho cac du an nha o, van phong, cua hang,… toi da giup hang tram khach hang cai thien chat luong cuoc song, dat duoc nhieu thanh cong trong cong viec va kinh doanh. Hien tai toi la Thay phong thuy lam viec tai UMA - Thuong hieu noi that uy tin hang dau Viet Nam. Tai UMA, toi cung doi ngu kien truc su tai nang se dong hanh cung ban mang den nhung giai phap phong thuy toan dien, tu viec lua chon mau sac, bo tri khong gian den viec su dung cac vat pham phong thuy mang lai may man va tai loc. Hay de UMA Noi that giup ban bien ngoi nha cua minh tro thanh mot noi tran day nang luong tich cuc.
Thong tin lien he ca nhan:
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://uma.vn/
Dia chi: 89 To Huu, Nam Tu Liem, Ha Noi
Dien thoai: 0989526389
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/cgpthungnguyen
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cgpthungnguyen/
- Issuu: https://issuu.com/cgpthungnguyen
- About.me: https://about.me/cgpthungnguyen
- Scoop.it: https://www.scoop.it/u/cgpthungnguyen
Hastag: #cgpthungnguyen #UMA #noithat #noithatcaocap #sofa #giuongngu #tuke #banghe
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