Profile Comments by bxthanhbuoiProfile Comments by bxthanhbuoi
bxthanhbuoi has commented on the profile of bxthanhbuoi: Thanh Buoi, duoc thanh lap tu nam 2000, da tao dung duoc vi the vung chac trong linh vuc van tai quoc gia. Voi hon muoi nam kinh nghiem, cong ty luon no luc mang den dich vu chat luong cao cho hang trieu khach hang tren khap dat nuoc. Phuong cham “Phuc vu khach hang tu trai tim†la kim chi nam cho moi hoat dong, va Thanh Buoi khong ngung doi moi, sang tao de cai thien trai nghiem khach hang, tu co so ha tang den viec dao tao doi ngu nhan vien chuyen nghiep.#bxthanhbuoi |