Forum Activity by bxduclonggialaiForum Activity by bxduclonggialai
bxduclonggialai has commented on the profile of bxduclonggialai: Ben xe Gia Lai, thuoc cong ty Alpha Seven (truoc day la Duc Long Gia Lai), la ben xe tieu chuan loai 1 dau tien tai Viet Nam, di vao hoat dong tu 01/01/2006. Voi dien tich 25.000 m² va suc chua 1.500 xe, ben xe khang trang nay khong chi dap ung nhu cau van chuyen hang hoa va hanh khach ma con la diem den hien dai, voi cac cong trinh nhu nha ga, trung tam dieu hanh, va dich vu thuong mai. Ben xe da nhan duoc Cup vang "San pham Viet uy tin chat luong" nam 2006.#bxduclonggialaiУчаÑтник:bxduclonggialai |