Full Name: | carolyn hoover | Location: | Starkville,MS. | Occupation: | studing to be a Certified Nursing Assistant | Birthday: | June 15th, 1979 | | Last Login: | 1/25/12 | Join Date: | 1/25/12 | Profile Views: | 1,624 |
My Website: | [email protected] | | About Me: | Im from Louisiana,born and raised. so im Cajun and i love my Cajun roots,im 32 in live in starkville,MS.now,i moved here about 5 yrs ago with my grandfather who is my world,he is a blessing in my life,i really dont have anyone but him,and my 14 yr old son,and of course GOD. I am totally and completely in love with Jesus Christ.I have never been married,i've been engaged 2 times but i didnt go through with it. I have overcome alot in my life,cheated death 3 times,and God saved me 4 a reason,to tell my testimony,to spread the word,God is real,i dont say this because i think im suppose to,im not saying this because im following other peoples beliefs,im telling whoever reads this,that i found God through my own personal trails and tribulations,i found God in my darkest hours,through my worst pain and suffering,and from staring death right dead in the face many times. I became aware of eternal life,i fear death no more,i have become so spiritual. I was saved and became a born again christian almost 7 yrs ago,it all started with a seed,today i have changed so much and continue to change. Its not easy,and im not perfect,i am a sinner,every day is a struggle. Its a battle between my flesh and my soul,im still human,i dont expect things to be easy,as a matter of fact,i praise God 4 the hard times and struggles,it makes me even stronger,like they say,if the devil doesn't attack u,tempt u,and try to destroy u,all the time,then u wouldnt be a threat to him,and ur soul would have no value to him,cause 9 times outta 10 he would have it anyway. so everyday u go through something hard,no matter what it is,dont ever give up,cause God will not give up on u,and ur not alone,He is always there to get u through it. I was a drug addict for 10 yrs,and i did things im not proud of,in that lifestyle i was living. but i have come along way from those hard core times,i didnt change overnight,it took yrs and yrs to be where i am today,and i've relasped a few times since,but i got back up and didnt let that break me down,it just made me stronger and made me want to try even harder-self control,thats something i still struggle with,but each day gets better,easier,and i know that Jesus has never given up on me and never will,the peace i have with Him within me,is the most amazing gift,and feeling that words can't even describe. I can sit alone in silence in my room 4 days and be content,happy,and fufilled. my phone could be ringing all day and i just tune it out. being born again doesnt mean ur gonna wake up the next day and be this completely different person,its the start of the holy spirits transformation in and with you. Its a long ongoing spiritual process,where u will be tested,u will endure struggles,u will go through spiritual warfare,pain,but u will also recieve the gifts of the spirit,my gifts are discernment,the gift of tongues,peace,patience,joy,visions,and there's many more,but everyone has there own spiritual gift 4 a specific purpose and reason that God has 4 them. I know my about me statement is quit long,lol,but i wanted to share my story,my life,these are my words,and i hope that whoever reads this is inspired,and maybe even strengtens ur Faith,knowing that there is someone out there who has been there in the dark,and who has found light at the end .GOD BLESS AND DON'T EVER GIVE UP,GOD HASN'T GIVEN UP ON YOU:) | | Interests: | GOD,RAIN,SILENCE,WORKING OUT,LIFTING WEIGHTS,READING,WATCHING MOVIES,SLEEPING,DANCING, WRITING POEMS,COOKING | | Favorite Music: | HAYSTACK,MAZZY STAR,CHRISTIAN RAP AND ROCK-N-ROLL. ALL 80'S MUSIC,OLD SCHOOL ROCK.NICKLEBACK,CANDLEBOX,3 DOORS DOWN,STAIND,CHICAGO, FORIENGER,HEART,JOURNEY, AIROSMITH,WHITESNAKE,BONJOVI,GUNS-N-ROSES-PATSY CLINE,EMENIM,JA-RULE,BOOSIE,DAUGHTRY,TECNO. | | Favorite Books: | BIBLE,SPIRITUAL BOOKS,AND MAGAZINES | | Favorite Movies: | TAKEN-TAKERS-THE BOOK OF ELLI-SWEET DREAMS-URBAN COWBOY-CIDER RAPIDS-TWILIGHT SERIES-ARTHER,AND MANY MORE,LOL | | Favorite TV Shows: | BREAKING BAD-SHAMELESS-TRUE BLOOD-THE VAMPIER DIARIES-DROP DEAD DIVA-MOB WIVES-JERSEY SHORE- | Favorite Quotes: | ITS NOT ABOUT HOW MANY BREATH'S U TAKE-ITS WHAT TAKES UR BREATH AWAY. / IF U DON'T STAND 4 SOMETHING-U'LL FALL 4 ANYTHING. |
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