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Full Name:Huỳnh Như
Last Login:3/14/24
Join Date:3/14/24
Profile Views:43
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authorhuynhnhuPosted by authorhuynhnhu   3/14/24 at 11:11am
Huynh Nhu la tac gia 78WIN la mot trong nhung chu de duoc cong dong game thu Viet Nam quan tam nhieu nhat hien nay. Khong chi noi tieng ve sac dep, CEO Huynh Nhu con khuay dong thi truong ca cuoc bang ve dep hoc thuc khi tot nghiep 3 truong dai hoc trong va ngoai nuoc.
#huynhnhu #ceohuynhnhu #ceo78win #author78win #tacgia78win
Thong Tin Them:
Ho ten: Huynh Nhu.
Ngay thang nam sinh: 20 thang 3 nam 2000.
Gioi tinh: Nu.
Que quan: 150 Nguyen Truong To, Phuong Tan Thanh, Quan Tan Phu, TP. Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam.
Ma so buu dien: 720000.
Trinh do hoc van: Tot nghiep chuyen nganh Quan tri kinh doanh cua truong Dai hoc Hoc vien Tai chinh va nganh IT cua University of Surrey.
So dien thoai: 0921.223.562 – 0982.492.492.
Mail: [email protected]

Website: https://78win.house/tac-gia-78win-hanh-trinh-khoi-nghiep-...


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Huynh Nhu la tac gia 78WIN la mot trong nhung chu de duoc cong dong game thu Viet Nam quan tam nhieu nhat hien nay. Khong chi noi tieng ve sac dep, CEO Huynh Nhu con khuay dong thi truong ca cuoc bang ve dep hoc thuc khi tot nghiep 3 truong dai hoc trong va ngoai nuoc.#huynhnhu #ceohuynhnhu #ceo78win #author78win #tacgia78winThong Tin Them:Ho ten: Huynh Nhu.Ngay thang nam sinh: 20 thang 3 nam 2000.Gioi tinh: Nu.Que quan: 150 Nguyen Truong To, Phuong Tan Thanh, Quan Tan Phu, TP. Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam.Ma so buu dien: 720000.Trinh do hoc van: Tot nghiep chuyen nganh Quan tri kinh doanh cua truong Dai hoc Hoc vien Tai chinh va nganh IT cua University of Surrey.So dien thoai: 0921.223.562 – 0982.492.492.Mail: [email protected]: https://78win.house/tac-gia-78win-hanh-trinh-khoi-nghiep-cua-ceo-huynh-nhu/Social:-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorhuynhnhu/-Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorhuynhnhu-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@authorhuynhnhu-Tumblr: https://authorhuynhnhu.tumblr.com/-Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/authorhuynhnhu/-Gravatar: https://gravatar.com/authorhuynhnhu-Behance: https://www.behance.net/authorhuynhnhu-Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/authorhuynhnhu/-Google sites : https://sites.google.com/view/authorhuynhnhu-500px: https://500px.com/p/authorhuynhnhu?view=photos
3/14/24 at 11:11am
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