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Journal for amypinkglassJournal for amypinkglass
[I will use the asterisk * in place of the apostrophe because apostrophes do not work in this journal]

"King of the World" can mean anything to any man or woman. What about a REAL King of the World? Well, there IS that, like Charlemagne and other Emperors who hold kingdoms, but that is not what we are talking about here.

It so happens that I, Rosamond (Amy) understand the term "King of the World" in a general way. I understand it to mean that a man has achieved all his major goals in life...is that bad? That is a very good thing, and a happy event for a man.

Unfortunately, to my stalker, guess who, the term "King of the World" blatantly means "Target of A Gold-digger"...really?!?...you really take it to mean that??... Mr. Stalker? So now we have someone who implies that "a certain woman waiting for her *boyfriend* to be rich is truly a gold-digger..."...and that IN CONTRAST TO THIS WOMAN YOUR ENEMY (yes, the woman who banned you) YOU ARE THE GENUINE DEAL, yes, you will never value material things more than people, how touching, really!

[How awful of you, Mr. Stalker, reading my journal and then twisting the information here in order to attack me (in a non-obvious way of course!). What people will never know is that, despite any hidden skeletons in your closet (no one will be able to check if you are a murderer right?) is that you assure yourself that people "ain*t ever gonna meet" YOU anyway (your words, not mine), this is the internet, for crying out loud! So what the heck, you can actually CLAIM you love your friends more than money all you want. On the net, there are genuine friends and there are fakes, so who can check? We need to hone our instincts so they can be correct.

So there is a woman who values and could marry a certain male Best Friend who tells her that he is going to be King of the World in a few years (You lost me for a second there...does King of the World mean a billionaire? Oh yeah...TO YOU that is what my journal entry meant!) and here you are, suddenly claiming genuine friendship, to the effect of saying, "Me, I value people more than material things!! Sure!"...implying that...WHAT?...that THAT IS YOU?...AND HOW ABOUT OTHERS...ARE NOT ALL TRUE FRIENDS THAT WAY?...Oh I get it!! There are some who ARE gold-diggers! What an insight!]

[I will not laugh, I will just let events move of themselves. Who knows, YOU MIGHT BE TOTALLY RIGHT - THEY AIN*T EVER GONNA MEET YOU IN PERSON! Good for you! Life goes on.

Unfortunately again for me, you are still very interested in attacking me...although you do not want to be too obvious. Yes. They could hate you that way, if you were so obvious. Just the pleasant way then...]

I do not believe it is the business of anyone if a young man wants to achieve the heights of success in his chosen field...My best friend is only in his thirties afterall...and we promised each other that should we still be single at a certain date, then we were meant to marry...

Does that Best Friends* Promise ring a bell with anyone? No, I am NOT imitating that movie, that movie is imitating me, it is based on me.

Clue: Since an ex of mine was a famous Hollywood actor, and I have friends in that industry, FYI, Mr. Stalker..."My Best Friend*s Wedding" starring Julia Roberts is dedicated to me, and like I said, is based on ME...as are several movies based on my life (I am a scriptwriter too you know...so I have friends there!)! it is like DN where your friends dedicate wallpapers...in Hollywood, my scriptwriter friends have also dedicated movies in my honour. OK? Clear to you now, Mr. Stalker? I know you read my Journal. YOU TOLD ME SO YOURSELF THAT YOU DO READ MY JOURNAL!

So let us not inject the accusations of loving money too much, in fact more than a future spouse, into my life of pure love. Stop that Gold-digger Trash Talk!

You told me you know you are going to Heaven because Jesus was with you, a miracle...Well, if you continue to be a bad person, Jesus will withdraw His invitation..."Many are called but few are chosen," as the Bible says.

YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. I did not mock you when your so-called female best friend up and left you without a trace, who knows, she may have been insane and it probably was not your fault, I TOLD MYSELF BACK THEN. Little did I know that you were destroying her reputation by your "poor little me with a laugh" brushing-it-off-with-humor technique...so that others would pity you because the ladies were insane, right? It was always the ladies, never the men that did you wrong!

If you are as harmless as you want your friends to believe, then you can stop spreading rumors and lies about me THROUGH INNUENDOS AND IMPLICATIONS, SO YOUR ATTACKS WOULD BE NON-OBVIOUS TO ANYONE HERE ON DN; and please have your own life which is not based on besmirching the reputation of others especially WOMEN (your special objects of destruction).

In connection with the above paragraph, I pity your remaining women friends here on DN who trust you. They will end up like your female best friend who got so scared of you she just had to leave. They will be like her if they get too close to you or trust you too much. They will be like me. A victim of an expert "jolly" destroyer like you.
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