| [TRANSFERRED Post: The original post (located in the next entry), had 27 views when it was added here. Add the views here minus 14 to get an accurate number of how many had read this poem here and the commentary after it.]
[The original post in here, entitled "It*s not here yet, was deleted because it was merely an announcement, not an article. (Space was needed to expand Part 2 of the next article into Portions A and B)]
[Category: Slices of Life - Poetry] [Note: Asterisks replace the apostrophe because apostrophes do not work in this journal]
[URL=http://nature.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/1596209/] [/URL]
She*s a malady a physical illness You just can*t cure There*s no prescription to your doom Whatever you do, she*ll still love you.
She*s a malaise without surprise Your lives together are conundrum But her eyes beguile you: Woe betide, you if she leaves you.
She*s a disorder with beguiling eyes She*s a harbour which no one spies Where a dozen shipwreck lies… She*s sickness she*s scurvy with beautiful Blue contemptible eyes…
She*s a radiant siren… "Won*t anyone save you"?
-by Mark Heathcoate
[URL=http://abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/558140/] [/URL]
COMMENT: (on the above POEM and OTHERS LIKE IT)
A misbegotten guess, alas...and bits of broken glass...
-James Taylor
(my comment, displayed above, is a direct quote from James Taylor*s "Long Ago and Far Away")
A misbegotten guess, meaning that it is inaccurate conjecture...and bits of broken glass...all those little labels from misconstrued notions, the glass of the wine of love deliberately shattered to come up with these useless shards of wrong conclusions about the nature of my love and how it all started...and how the world found out about and studied my heart a long time ago...and still does so today.
I have explained elsewhere, in another post in one of my blogs, how I was just living my life normally with an online journal such as this one, in a place I thought was extremely hard to access, and I did not dream that my crush at that time would become a member of the website just to peek into my thoughts.
It was not an overly-public journal at all...there were controls for each entry or post to keep any of them private. I was hacked, by the way, and all my privacy settings for my private posts were reversed...I was neither saddened nor angered to see my entries all publicly displayed...but I was pretty embarrassed and could not access the privacy buttons at all.
Through this incident alone (which I could NOT control), the men of the world had access to my deepest thoughts and feelings. THIS is where it all began...when men started saying that I knew my place in love and that I was beautiful inside and out....that I knew how to love...and they cried (upon reading the beautiful thoughts and songs of love I had for my crush in that journal).
Think for a moment how a woman with a secret crush on a younger man could accomplish all the things they have accused me of...siren, the ruin of men, etc. THE JOURNAL WAS NOT FOR THE MEN...IT WAS FOR MY HEART SO IT COULD EXPRESS ITS FEELINGS FOR MY CRUSH!!
Of course my crush (the actor) started laughing, and he felt so triumphant and it was easy from there for him to make me admit my feelings. (You have read it somewhere in this journal but it bears repeating, that for reasons I had, we never had sex but he was free to have sex with any beautiful woman he wanted as long as we were not married. Our agreement had other rules and qualifiers but that is not our topic here).
So I have to say...that those who say I have a plan for the men and all that, do not know that I can only love one man at a time, and as long as I love him, none other can enter my heart.
Men are not "victims" of my poetry and songs...any woman can think the way I think and care the way I care...The question maybe would be...would women want to? I have asked them many times and the women told me that my style of loving a man sounded "real stupid".
Well, to each his (or her) own...I may not be a sophisticated feminist...but maybe that is what makes me myself...
Right now I am in love with my ultra-sexy crush. He is sort of my boyfriend on DN...and outside of it I love him even more...I indulge in my wildest fantasies and I don*t have to restrain myself and hide my love in cryptic messages so that no one would find out...(and tease us both!...) *smiles*
[EDIT: Okay, that last paragraph sounded really "suggestive"...so let me say that...we are NOT having sex, okay? LoL] |
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