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Journal for amypinkglassJournal for amypinkglass
Typing conventions:*Asterisks/stars/flowers for the apostrophe/it (the apostrophe) sometimes does not work/...OR...I will not be using contractions to avoid the apostrophe altogether

I am weird.

Maybe I am VERY weird: .....NOT TO MYSELF,

BUT TO ALL WHO WENT TO SCHOOL AND WATCHED television AND BELIEVED what was taught in those two media (school and television)

...that the Earth was and is a sphere or ball-shaped, which by the way, is a LIE.

To what extent, like how weird...really? Well, you have never met the likes of strange little me I suppose. I do math and have a genius IQ Level. What is so weird about THAT? Lots of people are like that.

Well, I use it all that seriously too...and according to my calculations (in addition to the calculations of some others...guys, actually...THEY are BRILLIANT, really...hey, where are the math calculations of the girls??) I have concluded that the Earth is not spinning nor moving and it is flat. Yes, according to my math calculations, the Earth is flat and stationary. It is a secret of the UN. That makes the UN even weirder than me. Have you seen the UN FLAG? THAT IS the TRUE map of the flat-circle Earth.

Even (Steve-Jobs-Apple) Apple Maps SUPPORT mathematical flat-circle-earthers like me; they have the "Apple Maps, Flat Earth edition"! So the ball-earthers are screaming, "Damn you, Apple Maps!!"

(To religious people who dislike math, the Bible says it is a flat circle; it DID NOT SAY IT WAS a sphere or A BALL or a globe. It is the SUN that MOVES around, rising and setting, but REALLY, orbitting above Earth in at least 2 to 4 orbits to create the seasons. In addition to that, the stars move about in a circular dome pattern above the Earth - now THAT is why when you get your telescope, you can see the stars of the Zodiac circling above the Earth, because THAT IS THE TRUTH! The Earth is at the CENTER of all the action. Human beings are THAT special.)

(There are no aliens from space, despite Area 51 gossip...just plain and simple gossip)

That is how weird I am. If it were not for the math and my seeing the entire Earth from a special jet plane (I ALSO saw our entire beautiful flat-circle Earth when Felix Baumgartner parachutted to Earth from 90,000 miles up) (He had a Go-Pro video camera that could function in high altitudes) (I mean that was before someone suddenly changed all the videos and pictures of the event so that the others would not at all see our breathtaking flat circle Earth in broad daylight!!) (No cause for worry...I have enough of other pictures plus facts to shame the UN and the governments for their lies) (I mean why this hassle and deception of the masses?? What is up?)(From the jet plane which was a special Air France jet, the supersonic Concorde, I saw the circle at night...still beautiful) (notice also that in this last part, I am not even mentioning the Bible as a FOURTH convincing factor, so that atheists could relate and talk about the math instead of God/but I believe in God of course),...IF IT WERE NOT FOR THOSE THREE THINGS 1. the math calculations pertaining to a flat circle Earth which is NOT moving in the center of the Universe (just like they taught us the sun was at, only it REALLY is THE EARTH that is not moving!) 2. the fact that I saw the flat Earth from a supersonic jet at night and 3. the fact that I watched the descent of Felix Baumgartner to Earth and in the process saw for myself the breathtaking beauty of the flat circle Earth surrounded by Antartica (represented by olive leaves around the flat
Earth map of the UN Flag) (the same UN flat circle Earth map appears in Apple Maps/Flat Earth for the i-Phone), I WOULD HAVE CONTINUED TO BELIEVE WHAT WE WERE TAUGHT TO BELIEVE AT SCHOOL. Too many questions after that, right?

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