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Journal for amypinkglassJournal for amypinkglass

WOMEN*S ATTITUDES TOWARDS SEX (as if you did not already know...well maybe some of you still don*t)

(Most romantic women do not like sex AS MUCH AS their husbands DO!)

1. Sex is OPTIONAL, even in daily life{!} with a partner or spouse because there has to be a certain prerequisite atmosphere for a wife to get in the mood for sex...and we will say it right here: it is the absense of any unromantic episode before the sex act. Is stress unromantic? maybe, maybe not. Fights?? Definitely unromantic for most women, UNLESS THEY ARE CRAZY IN LOVE WITH THEIR HUSBANDS AFTER MANY, MANY YEARS (yes, we are talking about those exceptuonal, crazy in love white-haired couples still giggling like schoolchildren and pinching their spouse in public and all that).

(Read the qualifiers below...this does NOT apply to the FIRST FEW YEARS OF MARRIAGE OR LIVING TOGETHER or a partnership when BOTH the man and the woman are still EAGER FOR SEX due to the newness of it all).

Fast-forward a few years into the marriage - There has to be a condition for sex, and that is: a whole day without any non-romantic hassle (that is hard to come by! but it is the condition for a woman*s mood for sex nevertheless...a required romantic atmosphere) (otherwise, a man may have noticed his partner*s lack of enthusiasm...as if something were wrong...and usually, that is correct).

Women gather together to talk mostly of romance with their significant other, not sex or sex with anyone...unless it is a specific gathering to share sex techniques IN ORDER TO THWART an up and coming or discovered mistress of their husbands! That is the ONLY exception!).

2. When a woman loves a man, that is the only time sex enters her thoughts...it is NOT biological, but emotional. And even with a permanent partner or husband, in the fourth year or so of marriage, it is not so easy to obtain it from her IF SHE IS NOT really (still) wildly and crazy in love with him.

In the first three years, this might be the case (sex is available and engaged in by the woman with so much enthusiasm)
but a husband will soon disappoint a wife
and her acceptance or forgiveness
(depending on her will for these things) will be. as I have said, hard to come by.

Now, having explained my lack of desperation because I am a fulfilled woman
I do not understand where the notion of "she is such a loving person because she needs love" is coming from, except from men*s loneliness and desperation, as detailed in a Biblical basis mentioned above.

So if you think a certain woman is the doom of men
do not read her journals for you might find sweet nothings in there!

When I am in love, I express my sentiments.
So does every other woman on Earth.
This is not wanting love, but giving love.
Can giving and wanting love co-exist in a heart?
Only if you mean that one is NOT the cause of the other.

So going back to the impression that some have of me: the answer is NO.
I do not need love,
and I only express love like this
because there is someone in my heart.

Can anything of the heart be more simple that?
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