| But what is this thing, really?! People do not understand...My male Best Friend and I are just friends that never had sex...he can date and have sex with anyone he wants...and I, a former nun who just avoids these sexy things (it IS hard I tell you)...am also free to speculate about possibilities...and like my former secret crush said..."try new things"...
Someone asked, "And you actually believe that smooth-talker, your male best friend, when he says he will be King of the World?!?" (and he*ll marry you 10 years after that??)
Hold on for the answer...I have to eat Chinese noodles first.
Okay, I*m back. (The apostrophes do not work in this journal so I have to use the asterisk/flower/star as an apostrophe substitute)
So my answer to that question would be: My male Best Friend is NOT a professional boxer, but I think it was Muhammad Ali who said, "I am King of the World!!" I think it is something like that.
What - Muhammad Ali did NOT say that? Well it was somebody else then, though anyone could have said that...infact, many guys have said that, come to think of it...it is such a common saying...
So do I believe my male Best Friend? Hmmm...Yes I do...I mean he never lied to me...
But what if I fall in love with someone else before that happens?
We have an agreement: He has to approve of the guy first.
But he will let me be happy...whatever my heart wants (I do the same for him!)...He thinks it is his duty to warn me about guys though.
So far, he has approved of all my crushes EXCEPT that guy "Superman" from the radio station...boy was my male Best Friend so disapproving of "the deejay"! (Why? Because "the deejay" was playing mind games with me! He was toying with my adoring heart...I think that is a good description of what happened.) As my male Best Friend said,"What a jerk!!" He said he would rather see me get back together with my gorgeous Hollywood actor ex-boyfriend (who misses me and still reads my blogs...he always did in the past) than see me with "the deejay"...
********************************************************************************* EDIT: My crush reacted to this section in this manner: He asked, "Why do you still call him gorgeous? So what if he still reads your blogs? Why are you getting sentimental about his reading of your blogs in the past? You still want him, I can tell...He misses you anyway, so I guess there is no stopping you and him getting back together...You try to hide it, but I can see...that to you, HE is your knight in shining armor...No wonder you do not like me anymore..."
Some people are put off by jealous guys...To me "it depends" on the situation and the man himself...There are guys who accuse a woman of dire sexual crimes when she so much as smiles at someone...that is in the violent, wife-beater range...
When I posted this, I had no idea he cared! He even said, "Yeah sure...Go to where your heart leads you...It is obvious that you will be happy with him..." and he was so glum.
Finally, he said, "You should not have given me hope, you know...only to take it all back..." and he was pouting.
So there. I decided, "It is ON AGAIN, you sexy gorgeous guy!!!"
Honestly, though there are marriage proposals left and right, and I just have to pick the best guy, really...I am still waiting for my REAL-LIFE Superman to emerge from the shadows...or gardens...(not modern buildings please) (modern buildings are beautiful but so unromantic!)
I still have all those marriage proposals that have all been seen being given to The Internet Queen since 2003! (No, I do not wish to make the women green with envy - they are all beautiful and deserve adoration too - so the thing to say to the GUYS, to put them off a bit, is: "You have no idea who just proposed to me this week!")
There is an exciting future ahead of me...love and adventure if I will be brave (not yet though!)...it will be full of happy surprises I think! 
[NOTE: He also reacted badly to this last sentence. He said, "Yeah, *blank* told me your future is gonna be bright indeed...he is an actor!!"
Like I said, he did not act like he wanted me to chase him during those glum times of his (I do not like chasing men)...so it is ON AGAIN!!]
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