| [URL=http://entertainment.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/1924506/] [/URL] [Typing convention: Asterisks are used in place of the apostrophe because apostrophes do not work in this journal.]
For me and My Crush, everyday is Valentine*s Day...it*s always romantic here on DN whenever he is here! That*s all that matters.
Actually posting a greeting on his profile is NOT that risky, as one would presumably post on MANY profiles as well.
If you want to know: I will NOT post any "special" Valentine greeting for him here in this journal on the 14th of February. Also, obviously, nothing extra-special on his profile, although I might give out a card for all (and I*m not even sure of that!).
And if you know who it is...well, is it obvious??...Wait, don*t tell me!!!!
The only people that know I love him are myself, him and his girlfriend. LoL...I did NOT KNOW he had a girlfriend (It*s not his fault...it*s hers) when he was having the jealousy fits (see my other post on interpretations of his jealousy...maybe it*s not love on his part!)...so what was I to think...when my secret crush (he didn*t know back then that I was madly in love with him) was having fits of jealousy regarding my ex?? What was I to think?? By the time I told him that I loved him, in order to console him because he looked so depressed, I STILL didn*t know he had a girlfriend.
Then one day, his girlfriend comes to me and says, "The man you say you love is MINE. And soon, he will be ALL MINE."...Like I mentioned in a previous post, to me that meant that he was still theoretically available...because he*s not yet all hers! "So you*re not married..." (or was it, "So he*s not yours yet!" ?) were my first thoughts regarding her. Both, I think.
I was startled that she knew. I told myself, maybe he told her...but in fairness to him, I should also think that maybe she just knew...women*s intuition, that universal tendency of women (I prefer that term to "woman*s intuition"...if I say "woman*s intuition" it sounds like she*s the only one that has it...anyway, semantics...)
I*m not mad at him or anything like that. I just can*t find it in my heart to be angry...certainly, I did not have the mood to blame him...I*m feeling too dazed and magical and heavenly to even think of being angry with him.
Like I have already mentioned in a previous post, he is asking me if I am really serious about this love I feel for him. Presumably, since he knows I have so many suitors, he feels I might have a penchant for not valuing hearts that love me and will supposedly play with hearts and all that.
All I can say is, "I do love you, with all of my heart and I am serious." Maybe he just needs the assurance that my love for him remains unchanged somehow.
Perhaps that*s essentially my greeting for him on Valentine*s Day, in answer to his question, and I dedicate my wallpaper Elven Love to him!