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Journal for amypinkglassJournal for amypinkglass
[As I have said in the Intro (another post) I had wanted to place more words to honor them more but my profile would not take in another sentence. So we*re stuck with very short descriptions here.

BUT HEY...forget that!..It*s in the journal now so I can clarify things and YES, ADD words that are either timely or clarificatory...]

You can also compare this version with the one that*s posted up front.

Here it is then...sharing the LOVE...(later on with pictures!): :)]

DESCRIPTION: I am an old lady with a handsome son, so I am very immune to handsome young guys my son*s age who court me and try to seduce me. YES, I am in my 50s!! Children and teenagers, though, think I*m 26 years old. (So people think I am my son*s sister - he is in his 20s.) Old people KNOW I*m in my 50s - they grew up with me!

Just eat dairy products and meat...I*m not kidding.

I am a writer and a composer. I love art as well.

Moonlighting as a Secret Agent. (just kidding)

JOINING DN: I first joined DN because my browser would not browse DN at all...so I became a member and logged in. It worked. Next I uploaded wallpapers in order to give back because I downloaded innumerable walls. Now I upload pics because they are fun and thrilling...and maybe addictive. LoL

I wasn*t planning on doing this...uploading wallpapers! I was and always was a blogger. Now I am a DN wallpaper uploader too. How experience changes us!

My Love: Actually, we cannot call the person my DN "boyfriend" even in jest...but as long as my love for him is alive and well, my heart has no room for another. I*ll keep you all posted (in my journal)!


Inspi: The first person to show immense kindness to me, even when I wasn*t doing anything here!! (Well now I upload wp*s and comment and all that) You can*t get any more sincere than that!
She also described me as sincere, which to her is rare, so I am truly honoured and blessed! Thanks, Inspi! Status: Fairy-Queen Friend (or if she sometimes says so, Best Friend) whatever she wants!

Talislanta: Brian was the first (ever) individual to leave massive comments on my uploads, and because his standards for wallpapers are so high, I felt honoured that he even commented on them! It does affect my standards for my uploads...my next uploads will be crisp and nothing fuzzy, hopefully! Status: Very Good Friend

Melissa: I am more used to referring to her as Melissa or Sweet Melissa. She is Darksong. Although Brian beat her to it (being the first to leave massive comments)(there*s a reason to that...my very first uploads concentrated on guys-stuff wallpapers like Girl with a High Tech Weapon {the actual title is longer}, Warlords of Draenon and Bloodrayne), she was the second person to frequent my uploads (when I started putting in things she liked) and eventually became my top female commenter, which many others have praised her for as well. She and I share a love of wolves (the quadruped mammal kind, not the human kind of wolf!) Status: Very Good Friend

I am sure you love these three as well!

So now you know who my top male and female commenters are (covering the period prior to this post) (two people whom I eventually became friends with and later became close to)...and you know the firsts that left an impression on me.
...and you also know now WHY I fuss on Inspi a lot...she is just so nice! Relationships fluctuate sometimes...distance sometimes develops among friends..and no one is to blame! Once, Inspi called me her Best Friend...haha I won*t complain!!! That is truly another honour, to be called that. I won*t forget it.


There*s a reason one considers many people as friends on DN...and that is because they are all so very warm and sweet.

MY BLOGS: I have too many blogs and websites (way too many). They\'re mostly the kind you have to fill up first before inviting the world formally for a read. [This explanation is for those who are asking, "Why do your blogs have so little written in them?" Answer: I have just started them and because there are a whole lot of them, it all takes time.]

STATUS of my love for my crush (I call the man I love deeply "my crush"):...I dedicate "Here Is A Song", not a wallpaper, to him....in my DN Journal. (it won*t fit on this profile right now)


(Please don*t read the following if you dislike entries about conflict, etc., in this world):

BANNING PEOPLE: Oh yes, sometimes we have to do that, especially when we are being either harrassed or disrespected or both, in any website.

RESPECT: Ultimately, respect is not earned, it is given by respectful people. In the same manner, disrespect is given by disrespectful people. We give others respect because it*s the right thing to do.

HACKING: Hacking is everywhere. When I*m being hacked here, I can*t send certain PMs to friends or sometimes I can*t post on profiles...but then it becomes alright...then it happens again.
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