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Journal for amypinkglassJournal for amypinkglass
[continued from PART 2]...

Kreuzigung by Meister der Schule von Nowgorod
THE CRUCUFIXION (Greek Catholic Church icon)

Roman Catholics do not even know this! They believed the lies that were told to them: The laws were changed, the Catholic catechism (the body of Catholic teachings) was changed, the prayers were changed, the conduct and clothing of priests and nuns have changed, the parish church appearance has changed now (resembling masonic temples) but "This is still the Roman Catholic Church." So change everything, even the teachings, slowly over the years, and it still must be called Roman Catholic??

The truth is more painful for Roman Catholics to swallow: Their church has been destroyed by the Luciferians, who are now running the show; and STILL the Roman Catholics are asleep, and they STILL believe the lie that their church is STILL Catholic/STILL the SAME Roman Catholic Church. How blind can people be, when EVERYTHING (but the claims of being Catholic) in that church is NO LONGER CATHOLIC and yet, "The bishop (or the Parish Priest) says we are still CALLED Catholics, therefore this is still the Roman Catholic Church."

Actually, the question to ask Catholics, after hearing a statement like that is, "Will you still believe your bishop, knowing he is a registered Freemason? Would you still believe Pope Francis like you believed Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II, hen all three are registered Freemasons?

These Freemasonic popes deceitfully entered and unlawfully trained for the priesthood in order to DECEIVE Catholics once they*ve reached positions of authority.

In what ways have they deceived and continue to deceive Catholics? Answer: For example,

1. As already mentioned, deceiving Catholics that the Mass they*re praying STILL teaches and proclaims Catholic doctrine, not Protestant;

2. That STOPPING attempts to convert others to the Church of Jesus Christ is actually "pleasing to God" in this "Age of Tolerance"

3. The Doctrine of Divine Mercy, leading Catholics to believe that God will find ways to bring bad people into Heaven because of His Great "Mercy" (!!?)...so: No more good works and imitating Jesus, folks!!

3. That all religions and beliefs bring people to Heaven anyway (this is so masonic and very United-Nations-like) (The United Nations has been condemned by God in the Bible!) and other such freemasonic/masonic ideas...those and THOUSANDS of other deceptions...

Is the NAME Catholic sufficient proof that this church is STILL Catholic?

The CONSOLING THOUGHT about this historical fact is that Luciferians will NEVER TARGET what is agreeable to Satan; but only what is opposed to the teachings of Satan/Lucifer.

The fact that the Freemasons have openly stated in their magazine that the reason Freemasonry was established was "To completely destroy the Roman Catholic Church of Jesus Christ in 300 years, from within" SPEAKS WELL OF what the OLD and TRUE Roman Catholic Church stood for and taught about 1. salvation and 2. escaping the clutches of the devil.

The magazine article was dated in the late 1600*s, hence their target destruction date, as per this 1600*s article was 1969 or thereabouts, right on target (copies are available!! shocking, isn*t it, that you could actually get copies of this Grand Lodge magazine article where Freemasons openly admit of their plan, and WHICH CHURCH of Jesus Christ they wanted destroyed!).

[Speaking of churches of Jesus Christ, the Mormon Church, formally known as The Church Of Jesus Christ Of The Latter Day Saints is supported by the Luciferians. This is not to say the we can point to individual Mormons as evil; ONLY that its founder, Joseph Smith was a registered {with ID number} 33rd degree Freemason/Luciferian. Therefore? NOT ALL churches of Jesus Christ are targetted for attacks by the Freemasons/Luciferians.]

The Greek Catholic Church or Greek Orthodox Church icon presented here, which is a truthful depiction of Jesus Christ, is also eye-opening: As we note that it wasn*t targetted (I prefer the old spelling) for attack by Luciferians AS MUCH AS the Roman Catholic Church was (1. secretly and later, 2. publicly through defamation.)

All non-Luciferian churches are targetted by Luciferians (to pave the way for a one-religion world, a world that worships ONLY Lucifer), with the Roman Catholic Church declared as Lucifer*s biggest enemy: It must be gotten out of the way, before they usher in reign of the Anti-Christ.

This is an article I confidently wrote, because the Freemasons/Luciferians HAVE NOT HIDDEN THE FACT of their aim to DESTROY their BIGGEST obstacle to world domination: the Roman Catholic Church of Jesus Christ...yes the OLD, non-invaded one, the one that produced the REAL saints (NOT Saint John Paul II!! NOT Saint Faustina Kowalska!) with real super-powers from God.
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