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Journal for amypinkglassJournal for amypinkglass

Kreuzigung by Meister der Schule von Nowgorod
THE CRUCUFIXION (Greek Catholic Church icon)

Curiously enough, the Roman Catholic Church, coinciding with the beginning of the Protestant era, started portraying Jesus Christ as a white man, likewise His mother Mary and the 12 Apostles.

To be fair to the Roman Catholic Church, this change in icons, this SUDDEN departure from truthful iconography hints not of inherent evil or lying ways in that church but of INVASION or secret infiltration of non-Catholic personages (in other words, a secret invasion of representatives of secret societies, notably Luciferians) to destroy it from within, instead of from without.

Wait a minute...this is an ACCUSATION of secret societies! In later paragraphs, we will explore a WRITTEN declaration by Freemasonry (the main secret society that includes many branches/lodges) that they the Freemasons, by their own admission, have indeed been the hidden hand behind all the changes in the Roman Catholic Church.

Freemasonry has many versions written of its history, the one most widely accepted was that it was born or founded at about the same time that the Protestant religion was formed.

(Protestants are fond of correcting people saying theirs is not a religion, but this claim can easily be dismissed by pointing out that Protestants have not looked in the dictionary to check out what the word "religion" means...How can Protestantism not be a religion when it is a body spiritual beliefs and practices just like all other religions like Buddhism, Islam, Roman Catholic, Jewish etc.? It might be an EASIER religion to practice but it still is a religion for all intents and purposes, and by dictionary definition.)

Back to the Freemasons though: What could be the reason for ATTACKING the Roman Catholic Church BY SECRET INVASION/infiltration? The answer: By doing it THIS WAY (i.e. secretly):

1. The Luciferians would not look like evil religion-destroyers

2. The Roman Catholic Church would seem inherently evil in and of itself, thus: People would be brainwashed to hate it, and most importantly, NOT PRACTICE its IMITATION OF JESUS CHRIST, its true CENTRAL doctrine of getting to Heaven/The Spiritual-Physical Paradise.

Again, WHEN did this start happening, historically? It started at the same time as the beginning of the formal Protestant era, in the 1400*s. Provable FACT (it will be discussed below) about the Luciferians (or the real Satanists, as Freemasons are often called, because Freemasons worship Lucifer as their God of choice): In the late 1600*s the Luciferians/Freemasons issued a Grand Lodge magazine detailing a SCHEDULE for the destruction of the Roman Catholic Church just before The Entry of The New Millenium, said to be the Era of the Luciferian Representative, the Anti-Christ.

That the Roman Catholic Church was merely invaded and TAKEN OVER means that it is now DESTROYED. Yes, you read that right: The Roman Catholic Church as an institution no longer exists. It has been destroyed. HOW? By the CHANGE of EVERYTHING in it, through new unjust laws the General Instructions born from the Vatican II Council Documents as well as the New Code of Canon Law and the unjust ratification of new liturgical forms and practices): for example, the effective elimination of the long-standing truly-Catholic Mass.

The NEW Catholic Mass was composed by 6 Protestant ministers, not Catholic, and was ratified by Pope Paul VI, who can be considered one of the 8 non-Catholic popes since the death of Pope Pius X. The New Catholic Mass, called "Novus Ordo Missae 1969" is NOT a Catholic Mass at all but a Protestant one.

Proof? The many praises from Protestant ministers and The World Council of Churches, saying, in effect that "Through this New Mass, the Roman Catholic Church has at last removed the barrier between itself and the Protestants." Plus let us not forget that the present "Roman Catholic" Mass was composed by 6 Protestant ministers and NOT ONE Catholic saint or priest!

[continued in PART 2]


Original description for the above image:

In many of the Greek Catholic Church or Greek Orthodox Church icons, the emphasis is not on the physically accurate portrayal of Jesus Christ*s humanity (as is the emphasis of Roman Catholic Church images), but on His Divinity. Hence, there is less focus on anatomical realism but more on the event portrayed itself.

Also another characteristic of Greek Catholic Church or Greek Orthodox Church icons/iconography is that Jesus is black, because the true Jews are black...dark skinned with curly black hair.
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