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This picture was chosen to illustrate the concept that "Fate Rules Even In Love"...something I*m aware many of you would disagree with...BUT to counter that, there is that very Western concept of, in the words of a Barbra Streisand song "The Main Event":
"Fight for what you want, fight for what you need, FIGHT to KEEP the one (or man) you love, if love is what you feel!" SONG LYRICS (AND A PHILOSOPHY FOR WOMEN - AS OPPOSED TO A PHILOSOPHY FOR MEN) WHICH I CERTAINLY DO NOT AGREE WITH!! Well, why don*t I agree with it??
LET*S BE CLEAR that it*s the MEN who fight over a woman and it shouldn*t be several women fighting over a man. A man being fought over would just say, "Quit fighting, ladies. She*s the one I want. She fits into my criteria of someone I do get involved with." See?
Whereas men fighting over a woman is okay...A woman CAN be convinced by a man...a woman CAN be won...A man can actually prove to a woman that among her many suitors HE is the one she should be with.
A MAN, on the other hand, CANNOT BE CONVINCED BY A WOMAN TO GIVE HIS LOVE TO HER who*s not beautiful enough for him (according to his standards, whatever they are), who*s not acceptable enough, who doesn*t fit a man*s criteria, NO MATTER HOW HARD SHE TRIES. That*s painful, but a woman cannot force a man to feel love just because she wants him to. A man will gravitate towards a woman his heart WANTS.
Having said that, let*s go back to women fighting for love...
FIGHTING to keep the man you love (and either winning or losing after that!) is all about fighting, not love! If you really love your man, there*s no need to fight, in my opinion...but that*s just my opinion. Why??
There is no need to fight because if you are the losing party, real love tells you that he must decide in the best interests of all concerned, and you will allow him that freedom and respect..
.And if you are the winning party, there*s no need to fight either! You*ve won a long time ago!
So...what about when there was an actual fight for a man*s love, and the victorious woman is proud of her accomplishment? Well, we won*t begrudge a winner*s great feeling of victory, that*s for sure, but as I have already said, the victory is all about the fighting and not necessarily love!
I*m not specifically referring to the girlfriend of My Crush...but GENERALLY (just to illustrate my beliefs)...I have observed that when people STAY UNHAPPILY TOGETHER for 30 to 50 years (it*s just for show), and there*s no real love, the man dies before the woman does. People will say that*s biology, but most men who are UNHAPPY in their long-term relationships die of a heart attack...they die of a literal broken heart (and from being hurt neglectfully by the woman they\'re living with)!
And THOSE are the REASONS I see it pointless to taut WHAT ISN*T A REAL VICTORY WHENEVER ONE FIGHTS FOR LOVE...WHAT MATTERS IS DEEP, TRUE LOVE, NOT ANY SURFACE VICTORY...Yes, I know...most women disagree with my beliefs! That*s okay!! Let*s just AGREE TO DISAGREE, Ladies!
And if some men disagree with me?? Then they are not fans of DESTINY at all. I am a woman...my over-all feeling regarding this is what one of my enemies (Gary) said to me (he doesn*t like me, by the way...*thinks I*m too forgiving and am probably suffering from low self-esteem as evidenced by my giving more love than I ever receive...but that*s just an opinion of me by an enemy!)
A man who TRULY loves you, according to him, will go out of his way to claim you and show you that you are loved! (Though he*s my enemy, since he*s a man, I tend to believe that statement about men in love.)
By the way, the mechanics work ONE WAY ONLY! It*s the man that must claim or win the woman (chase her), sweep her off her feet and carry her, take her away because he loves her...and it must not be a vision of a woman dragging a man by the arm (she*s not strong enough to carry him so she just drags him) to her cave. It*s just so unnatural and unladylike. Call me old-fashioned, but that*s how I feel.
If you truly love a woman, go to her, claim her before someone else does. And if that someone wins, one way or the other, you have no one to blame but yourself if you really thought you were the guy for her.
In love, if it all falls apart, what are we to think? Once again, I think my enemy is right about how men operate...He said, "Maybe he isn*t that much into you afterall." I agree. And that*s life.
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