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Journal for amypinkglassJournal for amypinkglass
I*ll put them here.


Oftentimes, our true Destiny is an UNKNOWN person until he finally arrives on the scene. (Also applies to men - they do meet their destiny as well!)

Since the future is unknown, we all know nothing of our Destiny at this point.

EVOLVING: I*ve noticed that some here have highly evolved ways of communicating on DN, and I think I*ll do thesame . We each do our darnedest here and concentrate on areas where we best express our individuality. Some with notes and/or comments, some with comments and uploading, some with notes and uploading, etc. So yes, my style is evolving as well.

MY CRUSH/MY LOVE: He really is just My Crush, and not a boyfriend (just a friend)! However, he*s also My Love...not that I*m making it hard for my suitors (they are mostly found outside of DN)...but I*m still strictly NOT available! (Guys, please don*t flirt with me here on DN or outside of DN...I*m still TAKEN!) My heart just won*t listen to reason for now....Maybe later! (He still watches what*s going on with me, so he can see if any are flirting with me...not that he*d be jealous....it\'s just an entrenched habit of his - watching me! That gives meaning to the saying, "Friends are always on the look-out for each other"! )

YOUTH: It*s a state of mind first and foremost

Physically though, I*m an old lady that looks young...so that I once had a boyfriend who was 26 years younger than me and everyone thought he was older until I gave the needed information. Then everyone was shocked. LoL

CHASTITY: I like sex (too much) but I am chaste and celibate and I don*t believe I should engage in it (sex) if I am not married to the hot, sexy and tempting hunk that I happen to like...and there IS a hot, sexy and tempting hunk that I happen to like right now(my crush, who else!)...Eventually though, we WILL gravitate towards the one who is really MEANT to be ours, whoever that person is.

THE KISS: I entered into an arranged marriage when I was young...Naturally, based on my own principles, I could have sex with my husband in order to have a son...ALL THAT TIME, I never allowed the person to kiss me because it was not a marriage based on love!

As for my ex-boyfriend, the Hollywood actor, he was so busy (some of you know who he is)(the other guys criticized him severely for neglecting me and not deserving my love, but really, it wasn*t his fault - he worked so hard!), he was waking up, going to work, going home, sometimes eating dinner and sometimes only a snack, then he*s off to bed at 9 PM -his mother*s rules- therefore, we never ever got the chance to kiss; we broke up seven years later...So...out of the Carmelite convent...and into secular life...and I*VE NEVER BEEN KISSED! Truth is stranger than fiction.

MUSIC: I*m a composer (yes, the music-sheets kind). All singers can compose, by the way, because they*re highly musical...so it*s not like it*s a special talent of mine

ART: I love art

BLOGGING: It*s more of a mission to me

MY OLDER PROFILE: It*s a long-term project - not yet finished! It emphasizes friendships and highlights Inspi, Melissa (Darksong) and Brian (Talislanta)...It*s in my journal...I put it there to be able to put in PICTURES and change font COLORS...plus the fonts are BIGGER there!

I also wanted to put that version in a more PERMANENT PLACE, because I keep changing and updating my front page profile (this here). I will post here when it*s completed!

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