Favorite wallpapers of abigail14Favorite wallpapers of abigail14
PURPLE FAIRY FOR LISA (AVABOO)Uploaded by: beth2shy
Date Uploaded: 10/12/11
Resolution: 1280x960
Date Uploaded: 10/12/11
Resolution: 1280x960
Downloads: 651
Comments: 11
Favorited: 25
Points: +31
Comments: 11
Favorited: 25
Points: +31
3 catsUploaded by: panther_neverdie
Date Uploaded: 6/4/11
Resolution: 2048x1536
Date Uploaded: 6/4/11
Resolution: 2048x1536
Downloads: 632
Comments: 0
Favorited: 10
Points: +14
Comments: 0
Favorited: 10
Points: +14
Adding some colorUploaded by: Monarch
Date Uploaded: 3/15/11
Resolution: 828x615
Date Uploaded: 3/15/11
Resolution: 828x615
Downloads: 1,057
Comments: 15
Favorited: 23
Points: +30
Comments: 15
Favorited: 23
Points: +30
dolphinsj2.jpgUploaded by: CHERRYSWIRL
Date Uploaded: 1/25/10
Resolution: 1024x727
Date Uploaded: 1/25/10
Resolution: 1024x727
Downloads: 4,829
Comments: 9
Favorited: 68
Points: +96
Comments: 9
Favorited: 68
Points: +96
Black Andalusian Horse Running on the Be...Uploaded by: Davidmatus
Date Uploaded: 10/9/07
Resolution: 1600x1200
Date Uploaded: 10/9/07
Resolution: 1600x1200
Downloads: 22,691
Comments: 28
Favorited: 159
Points: +564
Comments: 28
Favorited: 159
Points: +564