All Discussion Activity by TimBrianAll Discussion Activity by TimBrian
TimBrian has commented on the profile of Puppydawg: Mr. Roger:Might I enquire your e-mail so that I can send you a picture of my book? Your a good guy, hope the holidays are good to you. Your friend,Tim |
TimBrian has commented on the profile of CollieSmile: Ms. Elaine:Thank you for the lovely comment. May I have your e-mail address so that I can send you a picture of what my book looks like? Your a very nice and sweet lady. Hope your holidays are met with love. Your friend,Tim |
TimBrian has commented on the profile of welcha: Welcha:May I have your e-mail? I am only asking so that I can send you the picture of what my book looks like. Have a nice evening.TimBrian |
TimBrian has commented on the profile of Puppydawg: Mr. Roger:Sorry it took a while to get to you. But I wanted to let you know, that I actually wrote a book. It is now available on Amazon as a paperback and Kindle edition. I am not asking you to buy it. I am merely informing you of it. It's a western, I am sure you don't read those kind of books, but thought you might be interested to know that a Desktop Nexus member wrote a book. It is titled, "Ride to Glory" by Tim England [that's me]. I hope you're having a nice November so far. It's been really nice here. Well, I'm not wanting to bore you, anymore this evening. Have a great evening, sir. Sincerely,Tim |
TimBrian has commented on the profile of CollieSmile: Ms. Elaine:Sorry it took a while to get to you. But I wanted to let you know, that I actually wrote a book. It is now available on Amazon as a paperback and Kindle edition. I am not asking you to buy it. I am merely informing you of it. It's a western, I am sure you don't read those kind of books, but thought you might be interested to know that a Desktop Nexus member wrote a book. It is titled, "Ride to Glory" by Tim England [that's me]. I hope you're having a nice November so far. It's been really nice here. Well, I'm not wanting to bore you, anymore this evening. Have a great evening, ma'am. Sincerely,Tim |
TimBrian has commented on the profile of CollieSmile: Dear Ms. Elaine:Yes ma'am, my summer is going okay. It's already August and my children are already starting school already. Before I know it, they'll be graduating. Time sure does fly by when you have young ones. Enjoy your Sunday,Tim |
TimBrian has commented on the profile of CollieSmile: Miss Elaine:Thanks for the encouragement. You sound like a nice lady. You are more than welcome to read my journal that I post. It's not secretive or anything of that nature. There is no adult subject matter either. Be nice to have a friend like you where I live. I live in Tennessee, we've had some cold snaps here and there. But nothing like your type of weather, least not yet anyway. Although I have seen it snow in April, May and have the chill bones in June. Hope you have a nice and glorious day Miss Elaine.God Bless,Tim |
TimBrian has commented on the profile of CollieSmile: Ms. Elaine:It's always great to hear from you. I am sorry you have had a rough and tough time, but by the grace of God I hope you will recover and be good as new. Your wallpapers are just fantastic. Your so creative. Wish I was. Can you believe it, it's nearly May soon this year will be "Gone With the Wind" pun intended. Well, I guess I better let you get some rest. God Bless,Tim |
TimBrian has commented on the profile of Puppydawg: Hey man, how's it going? It's been awhile since I last wrote you. Thanks man for thinking of me. Nice to be remembered. Hope you have had a great 2016 so far. It's been okay here. Catch you later dude! |
TimBrian has commented on the profile of CollieSmile: Ms. Elaine:Happy Be later Valentine's to you as well. I am thrilled that your alive and well. That was nice of you to write me. I don't have much to offer, but I would say that if'in it's orite with you, I would like to share with you some ice cream. Hope that would make you feel better. I won't pester you too much. So I will end this conversation, with May God be kind to you and may his blessings and his grace be yours. Sincerely,Timbrian |
TimBrian has commented on the profile of CollieSmile: Hello CollieSmile:I know you don't know me ma'am. Do not worry ma'am, I am not wanting nothing nor am I trying to sell ya something. I'm merely wish you a late Thanksgiving wish. I am sorry you had surgery. Nothing but the best for ya ma'am. Hope all is well. Just wishing you a happy and joyous holiday. May the Blessings be good to you now and forever. Respectfully,TimBrian |
TimBrian has commented on the profile of Puppydawg: General Insults •If you didn't have feet you wouldn't wear shoes.....then why do you wear a bra??!•mirrors don't talk but lucky for you %n they don't laugh•Poof be gone, your breath is too strong, I don't wanna be mean, but you need listerine, not a sip, not a swallow, but the whole friggin bottle•People like you are the reason I'm on medication.•I have always woundered why people bang their heads against brick walls..... then I met you. Don't bother leaving a message.•Don't let your mind wander. It's way to small to be outside by itself!•I had a nightmare. I dreamt I was you.•Hey, Remember that time I told you I thought you were cool? I LIED.•I need you...........I want you............To get out of my face •Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but you abuse the privilege.•If I wanted to talk to you, I would have called you first.•I am not anti-social..I just don't like you |
TimBrian has commented on the profile of Puppydawg: After reviewing a complicated divorce case, the Judge looks to the husband and says, "Based upon the facts before me, I've decided to give your wife $750 per month." The husband smiles and says, "That's great. Heck, I'll even throw in a few bucks myself." |
TimBrian has commented on the profile of Puppydawg: Dear Roger:Sorry I haven't been much of a friend to you. To be honest, Roger. I don't know how to be a friend. I reckon I'm too much wrappred up in my own "problems". You see, Roger, I battle depression and among other things that go bump in the night sorta speak. I've never had a friend, usually what happens is either I start sprouting off about how miserable my life is and I reckon that runs them off. Not to mention, when I start to asking my so-called "friend" they run for the hills. I'm not referring to money and such. I am just referring to just being able to just talk. Nothing more. Nothing less. Again I am sorry for what seems like I've been neglecting you. Roger I really am not. Much oblige for allowing me to write to ya. Write when you can. Sincerely,Tim |
TimBrian has commented on the profile of Puppydawg: Thx for responding back. I had an editor of my story but unfortunately she is no longer interested in editing books. I guess I thought you would know because I saw the books you liked and assumed that you might knew someone. Wasn't thinking. Anyways, much oblige for writing me back. Have a bless day,Tim |