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All Discussion Activity by Telegram_APKAll Discussion Activity by Telegram_APK
![]() | Telegram_APK has commented on the profile of Telegram_APK: Secret chats use end-to-end encryption. This means that all data is encrypted with a key that only you and the recipient know. There is no way for us or anybody else without direct access to your device to learn what content is being sent in those messages. We do not store your secret chats on our servers. We also do not keep any logs for messages in secret chats, so after a short period of time we no longer know who or when you messaged via secret chats. For the same reasons secret chats are not available in the cloud — you can only access those messages from the device they were sent to or from.We process your personal data on the ground that such processing is necessary to further our legitimate interests (including: (1) providing effective and innovative Services to our users; and (2) to detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud or security issues in respect of our provision of Services), unless those interests are overridden by your interest or fundamental rights and freedoms that require protections of personal data.TelegramTelegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed.Telegramä¸æ–‡ç‰ˆä¸‹è½½ | 安全高效的å³æ—¶é€šè®¯https://www.telegramshk.com yertyertyS |