Hi everyone! We're hard at work trying to keep our community clean, so if you see any spam, please report it here and we'll review ASAP!  Thanks a million!
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Full Name:Kathy
Last Login:10/17/24
Join Date:7/10/19
Profile Views:4,502
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swiggzPosted by swiggz   2/11/25 at 5:39pm

Hello Kathy. I hope that all is well. Have an awesome week and be safe my friend! :)
swiggzPosted by swiggz   1/31/25 at 5:06pm
swiggzPosted by swiggz   1/25/25 at 8:33pm

Hello Kathy, I hope that all is well. I sure miss chatting with you. Have a happy and safe weekend my friend! :)
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   11/24/24 at 6:08am
NEWS FLASH! Hit the Edit Button on Your Member information panel. Then hit "save changes" and your Log in Date will correct itself!!! :D :D :D Woo-hoo! :D
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   11/24/24 at 5:57am
PS. I miss you! Hope you log in soon...
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   11/24/24 at 5:57am

Hi Kathy,

I just uploaded this Froggie Spam wallpaper a few hours ago. As I said in the description, it is a much wilder variation of a wall I uploaded in September of 2019. (That original wall is currently a 404, but you can see it on page 6 of my uploads.)

While we're waiting for this wallpaper site to get fixed, not many of us are uploading walls, so the spammers are having a field day! I for one, would rather that they did not. I have voted down every spam wallpaper I can find, and I've found a lot.

It is very satisfying to vote down their walls. Would you like to join in the fun? :D I have a list of nearly 100 spam wallpaper links that I can PM to you. I was going to list them in this post, but if I did that, your profile page would get extremely distorted.I tried doing that on my profile page... don't want to inflict it on yours!

You could also go to the home page and choose the "freshness" link. The spam wall list that I have goes from page 1 to page 9. But it's a lot quicker to use my direct links. This website is as slow as molasses right now,:( but my links zoom you straight to the spammy wallpaper. :)

So, if you want to downvote a bunch of spam walls, let me know. I'll be happy to email you my link list. I would so love to see negative 10's or more on these spam walls! (I hope that as this website continues to be repaired, they will also repair the Spam report option!)

Another way to fight the spam is to thin it out-- by uploading some new wallpapers!:D This froggie is the first wallpaper that I've uploaded since the website got weird about 2 weeks ago. I was surprised and delighted to find out that the uploaded wallpapers DO appear in your collection. They just don't show up on your front profile page-- unless you pick one of your newly uploaded walls to display in the large space.

Well, I've said plenty already. I hope you are doing well. I have been logging in to this website almost every day, but not doing that much until now. How ironic it is that I get very active once the website gets messed up. lol

PS. I wouldn't mind at all if you voted my froggie up. I've posted him on a bunch of spammer profile pages, and I will continue to do so as I find more spammers-- so I figure that he may be getting some down votes from them.

Thanks for reading this novelette :P... cheers!:D

Elaine :)


CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   11/15/24 at 8:17pm
Hi Kathy,

What I am saying may not make a lot of sense to you since you haven't been up here in a few weeks... but think of this as an historical record... I hope by the next time you log in, DN will be in working order again... :)
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   11/15/24 at 8:16pm
PS. One thing that I am noticing: when I copy the forum code to post these wallpaper images, there is info printing out with the images that states the wallpspers number and that it is a URL. The images that post on the profiles don't seem to be "live" either; if you click on them they don't go to the original wallpaper. Interesting...
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   11/15/24 at 8:15pm
Woo-hoo! My wallpapers are showing up when I click on them from June 29, 2012 (my very first wallpaper on DN) through June of 2019! :D :D :D They aren't 404's any longer. It is so cheering to see the progress that is being made! :D :D :D

I've also noticed that people are uploading new wallpapers also. I may give that a try myself, if my ornery sore back permits me to... :)


carmenmbonillaPosted by carmenmbonilla   11/5/24 at 9:48pm
"Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night":[url=https://www.glitter-graphics.com][/url] Romeo says this. (Shakespeare)


A Time For Us - Love theme from Romeo & Juliet


Des`Ree Kissing You Romeo & Juliet
carmenmbonillaPosted by carmenmbonilla   11/5/24 at 9:47pm
Happy Tuesday My DN Family of Friends.[url=https://www.glitter-graphics.com][/url]..Blessings & hugs for a lovely day...Always Carmen.

"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep. The more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite": Juliet says this in act 2, scene 2. (Shakespeare[url=https://www.glitter-graphics.com][/url]

Live] Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet | CelloDeck
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   11/1/24 at 1:09am
PPS. I have so many great nature photographs now... I have got to get in the habit of uploading again!
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   11/1/24 at 1:06am
PS. Oh rats... I see that I just missed you... would love to talk to you sometime soon! You've been on my mind a lot Kathy... I'm still logging in every day, or sometimes every other day. :D
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   11/1/24 at 1:04am




carmenmbonillaPosted by carmenmbonilla   10/31/24 at 10:32pm


Sergei Polunin "An Angel Descends"

Quote from site of Pan Boehme Simon on YouTube
The stunning images and video are from director Vuk Vidor's exquisite video called "AWAKENING" featuring Sergei Polunin. It was made in celebration for the reopening of the National Museum in Belgrade in June of 2018.





Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31st that involves wearing costumes, trick-or-treating, and carving jack-o'-lanterns. The word "Halloween" comes from the phrase "All Hallow's Eve," which is the evening before All Saints' Day, a Christian holiday that takes place on November 1st. The word "hallow" refers to saints, and "hallowed" means "holy". The first records of the word "Halloween" date back to the 1550s.
JustAShadowPosted by JustAShadow   10/15/24 at 12:22pm
Alexandra66Posted by Alexandra66   10/14/24 at 7:30am
swiggzPosted by swiggz   9/13/24 at 6:05pm

Happy Friday. Enjoy the weekend and be safe my friend! :) :)
swiggzPosted by swiggz   8/26/24 at 6:22pm

and a beautiful new week as well my friend! :)
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SpiritLake favorited wallpaper #2752960
Title: Autumn road
Category: > Other
Description: None
10/12/24 at 8:43pm
SpiritLake favorited wallpaper #2753610
Title: Cabin in the woods
Category: > Forests
Description: None
10/12/24 at 8:42pm
SpiritLake favorited wallpaper #2754964
Title: Forest cottage in autumn
Category: > Other
Description: None
10/12/24 at 8:42pm
SpiritLake favorited wallpaper #2754961
Title: Autumn scene
Category: > Forests
Description: None
10/12/24 at 8:41pm
SpiritLake's current wallpaper is now #2755425
Title: Moon Glow
Category: > Moons
Description: None
10/12/24 at 6:06pm
SpiritLake's current wallpaper is now #2659632
Title: September Moon
Category: > Moons
Description: None
10/12/24 at 6:04pm
SpiritLake favorited wallpaper #2755430
Title: Rabbit And Clover
Category: > Rodents
Description: None
10/12/24 at 5:49pm
SpiritLake favorited wallpaper #2755429
Title: Hello Autumn
Category: > Photography
Description: None
10/12/24 at 5:49pm
SpiritLake uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Rabbit And Clover
Category: > Rodents
Description: None
10/12/24 at 5:48pm
SpiritLake uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Hello Autumn
Category: > Photography
Description: None
10/12/24 at 5:47pm
SpiritLake favorited wallpaper #2755428
Title: BOO
Category: > Photography
Description: None
10/12/24 at 5:28pm
SpiritLake favorited wallpaper #2755427
Title: Autumn Leaves
Category: > Fields
Description: None
10/12/24 at 5:27pm
SpiritLake favorited wallpaper #2755426
Title: Autumn Moon
Category: > Moons
Description: None
10/12/24 at 5:27pm
SpiritLake favorited wallpaper #2755425
Title: Moon Glow
Category: > Moons
Description: None
10/12/24 at 5:27pm
SpiritLake uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: BOO
Category: > Photography
Description: None
10/12/24 at 5:20pm
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