Full Name: | Stacy | Location: | USA | Birthday: | March 11th, 1968 | | Last Login: | 9/24/12 | Join Date: | 4/24/11 | Profile Views: | 46,835 |
About Me: | Well let's see...I am married for almost 17 years and we have 2 little Lhasa Apsos who keep us on our toes and give us lots of laughs. We currently just came home to our hometown of Vancouver, WA after my husband worked on two projects in Oklahoma and Texas. Now I am looking to find a job since we do not plan on anymore travel for awhile. | | Interests: | Brand new found love interest in desktop wallpapers, in particular, Desktop Nexus! Such wonderful wallpapers and a lovely, welcoming, friendly community! I am having lots of fun here! I also enjoy Firefox Personas and for the new Facebook Timeline addacover.com is great for your layout pic. But outside of the great wide web, I enjoy gardening, cooking, decorating, thrift stores, flea markets & yard sales among other things. I like things of the past...old photographs, antiques, anything with a history. I particularly love the 19th and early 20th centuries. Lots of interests, so little time to get to them all! LOL
| | Favorite Music: | Love music! All kinds! My iPod is always with me! 70's, 80's, Hip-Hop, R&B, Rock&Roll, if it has a good beat, melody or lyrics that are catchy or touching, then I probably like it! | | Favorite Books: | Anything by Jane Austen, especially Pride & Prejudice, North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell, Historical Romances, True Crime, Family Drama, and some Bios. | | Favorite Movies: | Way too many to list them all but here are a few...Pride & Prejudice 2006, Sense & Sensibility, Urban Cowboy, Kramer vs Kramer, Terms of Endearment, Grease, Rockstar....and many, many more! | | Favorite TV Shows: | Ahhh I miss a lot of old ones...Friends, King of Queens, Seinfeld, Fraiser, Desperate Housewives, Grays Anatomy, anything and everything on the "Investigative Discovery Channel" Dateline, 20/20, etc. | Favorite Quotes: | She had a dream and boy it was a good one, so she chased after her dream with much desire, but when she got too close to her expectations, well the dream burned up like paper and fire...>John Cougar Mellancamp |
| Recently Uploaded Wallpapers Recently Favorited Wallpapers Member Groups  This member hasn't joined any groups yet!  | S-Martian commented on the Music wallpaper Michael Jackson.
Wow! It is easy to see why this one has so many downloads! Very cute pic of MJ! And he did have the sweetest smile, sometimes shy and credulous but it lit up his whole face as well as the room that he was in! It still does not seem real that he is truly gone.....it always gives me a shock all over again when I let myself think of it...RIP MJ |
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