| This is my definition. To me the street genre is a mixture of Hip Hop music obviously but, also I would say attitude in what you where like Run DMC with black Jean outfit and Adidas shoes with that black derby or a black baseball custom cap with your name embroidered on it, black leather jacket,jean pants and timberland boats and the black dark tented Loc glasses. Below I have posted picture from around the web and (they are not mine which belong to their respective owner) hopefully you will like them. The ghetto blaster could not be forgotten in reference to this subject which I used to own one. This made a statement when you carried it play your favorite tracks. Play it loud and proud !! I am reminded of cars in my neighborhood that had 3000 watt stereo systems which you could here from a block or two away and paint jobs which cost back then as much as an economy car, not to mention the amount of the stereo. Some had chain tearing wheels which were illegal but, not sure if it is today. I am mostly taking about style here not advocating anything illegal.

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